Little Beginnings

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'Merry Christmas' I wished my self as I took a sip of my coffee, I was a terrible cook so I wasn't going to ruin the heavenly taste of Eggnog, that my mother made, still lingering in my mouth with my horrendous rubbish called 'Eggnog'. I munched on the cookies as I flipped through the magazines that were accompanying me on the dining table that morning.

I sighed deeply looking at the empty packet of biscuits lying in front of me. I had no other choice than to clear the table, so I finished my coffee and cleared the table. I watched 'Four Christmas' for the gazillion-th time whilst checking my email. It was like a small Christmas tradition I had, I never got tired of the movie.

My Sister told moving out was fun, that it was so empowering to be independent. Well, I beg to differ. After i moved out from my parent's House in Los Angles, two months back, life has been hell. People come to New York to start a new, to find purpose, to find love. That's what I want, let me correct that, that's what I wanted when I came here. Now I just hope I can make it out of here alive.

I came here for what I thought was a real paid job at Vogue. I'd applied as a Social columnist, but when I came here, that October morning, They told me it was an Internship. I was furious, but I couldn't really do anything about it. I needed a job to live here, So I started working part-time for this magazine called 'BYou'. Basically it's a magazine for teenage girls that tells them to, as the title suggests, be themselves.

My father helped me look for an apartment, he helped pay my bills the first month. After that I kinda took on things from there. It might sound as though everything is completly fine and I'm just being an ass complaining about what i didn't get, but there's more to my story than What I just told you. In the past two months, I have not only humiliated myself in front of all the other interns at Vogue, but have also almost got myself kicked out from there. The only thing that is keeping me here is my pride. I have this stupid bet with my sister, she says that's I am so much of a child that I would never survive on my own out here in 'the real world'.

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