Today's working day wasn't what Drew had expected. Unfortunately, she got caught up in a meeting and she wasn't thrilled with the schedule that had been planned. Drew didn't realize this important meeting that she was just taking part in as attendance for Monica's sake would take up a half day. She was upset that this was wasting her precious working time with Giselle and also delaying her work.

Drew was a nice attendee at the meeting, but her mind was definitely in her cubicle. She wished she had an eagle eye for her to check whether her cute friend had seen the gift she had smuggled into the drawer.

An uncontained smile blossomed on Drew's face when she saw a message from Giselle that she had been looking for when she was in this room. Sadly, the smiley face disappeared and was replaced with a pouty face after she read the message. 

"I'll go out for lunch with Amy since she insisted on taking me out. She told me you might have a long day in the meeting."

"Okay, have fun!"

Drew sighed quietly after she replied to the text. She had to give up thinking about what was happening outside of this room since her cute friend was out for lunch. Drew was envious that Amy was lucky and could skip the meeting and have lunch time with Giselle.

The painful meeting eventually ended at 3 pm, and the grumpy taller girl was starving and needed food badly. She briskly walked to her cubicle to grab her purse and go get her late lunch, but she paused when her eyes and the busy brunette's eyes collided.

The brunette never disappointed her senior, she was waving at the taller girl gleefully. That wide smile crept on her pretty face like a big prize for Drew to claim and it kept her bad mood away effortlessly.

In the meantime, Drew tried to take a glimpse at the drawer of Giselle's table, but she had no luck since the drawer remained shut. Perhaps, she was busy. That was what Drew could assume and silently hoped her cute friend had noticed.

"Welcome back!" A sweet voice caught Drew's attention again. Giselle happily indicated the direction of Drew's cubicle, and she noticed a small box on the desk. "We went to a new bakery shop just now. When I saw the strawberry cake, I thought about you." Giselle chuckled softly and added, "I remember you told me strawberry is your favorite. So, I got one for you and I hope you'll like it."

"Thank you," Drew said and she was salivating with the thoughts of the cake.

The brunette's eyes lit up, but when she was about to say something an intercom ringing interrupted her. Drew was watching her cute friend swiftly pick up her phone and answered it with a brief and nice greeting. After she finished listening, she replied with a courteous smile, "Okay, I will get there shortly!"

Once Giselle had put down her phone she sighed softly and murmured, "I have to see Miss Monica."

"Is everything okay?" Drew asked.

"Don't worry, she just wants to go over my new work," Giselle assured her, and gave a small wave.

"But, you already have so much to catch up-" Drew was interrupted by Giselle's phone ringing again as the brunette quickly pick up her phone and breathed out, "I'm sorry. I'm right away."

"I'll be right back," Giselle squeaked while taking a notebook and quickly heading to the door of the office.

Drew slumped her shoulders and sighed. In the meantime, she was wondering whether she needed to check the drawer about a gift she smuggled in, but she decided to leave it since it wasn't nice to do that without Giselle around.

The growl of her tummy was loud enough to remind Drew to eat. She caressed her empty stomach and smiled at the box on the table and quite looked forward to seeing how it tasted. Without any delay, Drew took the small box of cake and happily headed to the pantry to eat.

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