☁️ chapter seven ☁️

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"Harry...." Louis slurred, putting his hand on Harry's shoulder and weakly shaking it. It was the middle of the night and he still felt horrible, maybe worse even.

"Hmmm?" Harry groaned, half asleep but starting to wake up a bit.

"M'g-gonna be sick..." Louis whimpered sounding like he might cry. He was so scared to get up at the moment after the day they'd had.

That woke Harry up fully and he sat up. "Okay, just a second," he hurried and got up, grabbing the bucket in their hotel room that was meant for ice, but was the closest thing at the moment, and brought it over.

"Okay baby," Harry switched on the lamp and gently helped him sit up. "I've gotcha," he said, holding the bucket beneath Louis' chin as he immediately gagged and up came all the water he'd managed to drink after what had happened earlier.

Louis was in tears by the time he finished, gasping and struggling to close his mouth for a moment, his jaw had locked. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he helplessly sat there in bed, Harry right beside him.

"It's okay honeybee...." he whispered, rubbing circles onto Louis' bare chest. "I'm right here... just breathe"

It took a long time for Louis' jaw to unclench and for his tears to subside, but when they did, he turned his head, pressing it into the crook of Harry's neck.

Harry could feel that he was still burning up, and he was so sweaty that his hair was damp, as if he was fresh out of the shower.

"I feel so... s-s-siiick" he slurred. They'd both been hoping this would be a 24 hour bug, but it was starting to seem like that wasn't the case at all.

"I know you do my love," Harry said, kissing the top of his head. "I'd fix it in a heartbeat if I could."

Louis merely sniffled in response, he knew Harry would if he was able to, but it wasn't possible. So he was stuck being miserable for now.

"Do you want to go sit on the balcony? Get some fresh air? Maybe cool down a bit?" Harry asked, as Louis was sweating buckets.

He nodded, and Harry scooped him up, not wanting to make him walk right now, and carried him out to the balcony of their hotel room. He sat down in one of the chairs, with Louis cradled bridal-style in his arms.

"Comfortable?" He asked softly, looking down at him so lovingly.

"Yeah..." Louis whispered, looking back up at Harry and then turning his head to look up at the starry sky. It was a clear night, and the stars were all twinkling visibly.

Harry saw him looking up, so he followed his gaze. "Beautiful tonight, isn't it?" Harry said, with a gentle smile.

"Mhmm... very." Louis responded, feeling the cool breeze blowing through his hair, and smiling.

He couldn't help but to think how much he'd miss moments like this.

"If every star is an eye in the sky..." Harry sang softly, holding him closely, "you'll see angels fly..."

A faint smile appeared on Louis' lips as he listened to Harry singing his familiar song. Soon, he knew those eyes in the sky would see him fly.


Louis awoke to the sound of a very frazzled Harry, speaking on the phone in a hushed but panicked voice. When he realized he was inside once again, he figured that at some point he must've fallen asleep outside and Harry carried him in to bed.

"How was I supposed to know?" Harry hissed, his voice getting  bit louder. "It was like 4 am and still dark out! I never would've guessed anyone else would be out..."

"Are you sure it was obvious?" He asked, a long pause following. "No I haven't seen them," another pause. "Well shit."

Louis laid there wondering what the hell Harry was talking about, but based on the urgency in his voice, he knew it was serious.

"I... I dunno," Harry ran a hand through his hair, pacing the hotel room. "I'll have to talk to him first," *pause* "I know, I know. We'll figure it out okay?"

Louis sat up a little, seeing the call was just about over and he was curious.

"Yep. Alright, you too. Bye." Harry sighed, hanging up and dropping his chin to his chest, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Fuck." He whispered.

"What was that?" Louis asked, his accent thick and sleepy.

"Oh, you're awake." Harry looked startled, and walked over to the bed.

"Yeah, well it is morning." Louis smirked cheekily, but then his face turned serious once more. "What was that all about?"

Harry sighed heavily. "Shit I don't know how to even say it," he ran a hand through his curls, "people saw us last night."

Louis' face paled, well, it turned whiter than it already was from being ill. "What?" He croaked, his mouth dry.

"Yeah... I guess there were some fans staying in this hotel too," Harry explained. "A couple rooms down, and they were out on their balcony at the same time. They got photos and videos and everything Lou. It's all over the internet."

"You're joking." Louis said flatly, his eyes wide.

"I really wish I was," Harry sighed. "But thankfully, we weren't talking about the ALS or anything, so that's still under wraps. But... there's no denying that we're a couple now."

Louis tried to process what Harry was saying, but it was all so unexpected. Harry handed his phone to Louis to look at the pictures he'd pulled up.

Cuddles, kisses... all of it.

They'd just been outed and there was nothing they could do about it.

They were both being spammed with messages and calls from friends and family about the situation, but for the moment they ignored it.

They sat together silently, ignoring it all. Ignoring the calls, texts, DMs, and everything in between.

#LARRYISREAL was the number one hashtag on Twitter.

They ignored that too.

Hihihi!!! Long time no see, but I'm here:) hope you enjoyed the chapter! It's not edited as of right now so I'm sorry if there's typos hehe

Love you!
-Bells 💗

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