The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth

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   "I have been asked to man the dessert tables, as many of the pastries were made by me these last few nights."

   "Oh, well, then I shall look forward to trying each one."

   Eibhlin glanced at me, her right eyebrow raised as she balled up the dirty linens and placed them in the now empty basket. "Your Highness, there will be eight types of pastries and cakes... Forgive me, yet I believe even that may be too much for your sweet tooth."

   I chuckled awkwardly, trying to quickly figure out a way around this mess I had made. "Will there be brunost and cinnamon waffles? Perhaps I shall eat nothing but those."

   She shook her head, emptying my bed warmer and hanging it on the wall. "No, Your Highness. Yet I have utilized brunost in several cakes and pies, as I know that it is your favorite part of this time of year throughout Autumn." She gave me a soft knowing smile then as she headed toward the door, and I could not stop myself from smiling back despite my best efforts.

   "Well, if the brunost was also made by you then I know that I am in for a true treat as you make everything feel and taste like summer." She paused, looking up at me over that small, delicate-looking shoulder of hers that I knew was so very capable of carrying more weight than Thor with all his might ever could.

   "That is perhaps the nicest thing you have ever said to me," her voice was soft, her eyes flitting from mine to something just behind me at chest height and back again as a slight flush came to her cheeks, making the freckles dancing across them stand out further. "Thank you, Your Highness. I hope you enjoy the festival tonight." She gave me a soft smile, her eyes still cautious before she turned then, carefully opening the heavy ebony heartwood door enough to sneak back out into the halls where she almost seemed to dance away. I smiled and shook my head, peering through the door to watch her do so before I closed the illusion and returned to preparing for the festival.

       Sif and I entered the fair grounds an hour before the sun was scheduled to set. She had chosen a soft dress of earthy brown with moss green and wheat yellow accents to mirror the coming harvest growth. It was simple, loose-fitting, and allowed her to show off her sizeable muscles. Standing next to me, she almost looked like I had bewitched Thor into a woman, minus the brown of her hair. I sighed, already bored as we walked toward the orchard to gather for the trek to the fields where we would begin Åkervekking before the sun fully set and the bonfires were lit while Mother saw over the silly tradition of Lekebryllup.

   "Could you at least attempt to look as though you are enjoying this; it may make it more believable," Sif snapped through her smile.

   "I am here, holding your hand, dressed to compliment your attire as requested; is that not enough? Honestly, if I did not believe that this would serve us both well-"

   "You would what," she asked turning toward me, adjusting the collar of my jerkin in an effort to hide the scowl she now wore. "I have very little desire toward you, this is not something I have ever hidden; yet if Thor cannot see the error of his ways, cannot see that I am a beautiful young woman who could give him vast many things, then I shall have you instead."

   "How touching. So kind of you to choose me in his stead."

   "Now you listen here, you spindly-" I pressed my lips to hers as Father drew near, his eye quickly fixing on our display as Mother smiled happily.

   "Is this not a wonderful surprise," she cried, her eyes misting as she wrapped her arms around us both. "And here I had thought that it would be Sif and Thor I should someday find entangled, seeing how they were always first in line to participate in Lekebryllup. I am so happy for you both."

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