News from the East

Start from the beginning

"Well he's gotta let her eat at some point...right?" Armin asked.

The other boys just looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.

Across the dining hall, the girls were too tired to talk. They all felt bad for Sasha. In an effort to stand up for them, she was stuck running for who knows how long.

"She's got good aim" Mikasa said. "Too bad she's a moron"

"Lighten up Mikasa, it's not like you did anything" Annie said curtly.

Mikasa shot her a look that could kill.

Historia tapped on Pieck's shoulder. "Hey you gonna eat your bread?"

"No you can have it"

Sasha's legs finally gave out. She knew she was going to have to pay for scaring the sh*t out of their instructor, but she didn't think it would be this bad.

"Pretty sure that asshole isn't even watching at this point." She thought.

Her stomach growled, and her throat was aching. But she was too tired to move.

"Sasha...are you out here?" A quiet voice called out.

Sasha barely had the strength the raise her hand.

"There she is" called a familiar voice.

"So Shadis finally cut ya loose?" Connie asked as he knelt down beside her, brushing her hair from her sweaty forehead. "Are you ok?"

"Water" she croaked.

"" he opened up his flask, and cradled her head in his arms. Sasha felt instant relief as the cold water flooded her system.

Her eyes suddenly popped open. "I smell food...bread to be exact!"

"Oh yeah, I snuck some out of the dining hall for you." Historia sat down beside Sasha. "Here"

Historia was lucky she didn't lose her hand as fast as Sasha was.

She nearly choked as she scarfed down the meager dinner.

"Careful Sash, you'll make yourself sick" Connie said.


"I didn't quite catch that" Connie said.

"More water"

They were finally able to get Sasha to her feet and made their way back to the barracks.

Before they split to go to the girls dorms, Sasha gave Connie a quick kiss.

"Thank you for the water. Remind not to piss off any senior knights again"

"Good night Sasha"

"See ya Historia, thanks for the help"

"Well you know us girls gotta stick together" she said with a smile.

Historia managed to get Sasha to their section of the barracks, helping Sasha change and get into her cot.

"What no thank you kiss for me?" Historia asked with a small laugh.

"Maybe next time." Sasha mumbled before falling asleep.

" Sasha mumbled before falling asleep

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