Meeting the Emperor

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Beatrice POV:

I opened my eyes to be met with beaming rays of the sun.I heard a knock on the door "come in" I said as the maid entered.

"Good morning, your majesty"

"Good morning?" I replied in a unsure tone, not used to the formalities.

"I know you may be confused your majesty but I will explain after you take a bath"

I nodded and slowly rose from the bed.

"You wait here while I prepare your bath, your majesty" she said as she went to what I assumed to be the bathroom.

After a few minutes she came back and led me to the warm bath filled with rose petals. "Let me help you remove your clothing, your majesty"

I quickly replied "thank you, but I would appreciate some privacy."

"Oh my, I apologise, your majesty." She said hastily leaving, closing the door behind her.

I removed my clothing and stepped into the bath, sighing with content and relief I ran my slender fingers through my soft,silky and thick voilet hair.I gently rubbed my soft skin.

Getting out of the refreshing water, I rapped my body in a robe and stepped out of the bathroom.
Going into the room I saw a beautiful green dress laid on the bed.

'It looks like a dress from the 1890s'

After I slipped on the dress someone knocked on the door

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After I slipped on the dress someone knocked on the door.

"You may enter"

The maid came in and gushed over my appearance,"You look exquisite, your majesty " she said.

"Thank you"

"Please sit down your majesty and let me explain the situation"

I quickly sat down eager to know where I am.

"Firstly, You are Beatrice de Alger Obelia, genius daughter of Grand Duke Richard Vientas and, Wife of Emperor Amarinder de Alger Obelia and Empress of the great Obelian Empire."

I quickly soaked up the information. I gestured for her to continue.

"You have a son, Crown Prince Anastasius de Alger Obelia who is the official heir to the throne."

"I am your personal maid Hannah"

'Obelia, where have I heard that name before. The manhwa, how did I end up here, I died'

'My babies' I unknowingly started to cry.

"What's wrong, your majesty?" Hannah asked concerned.

"Nothing " I responded while swiftly wiping my tears. I asked her to leave, so that I can process the information. As soon as she left I broke down.

'My kids what will happen to them, how will they react to my death'I cruel myself  to sleep.


I woke up to the familiar voice of Hannah.

" Your majesty you have to get up, the Emperor wants to meet you"

I springed up from the bed "WHAT"

"Don’t worry your majesty, I'll get you ready" She prepared my bath and quickly bathed me. Getting out of the bathroom she quickly gave me a beautiful and light purple dress.

As soon as I wore the dress, she quickly grabbed my hand and led me to the garden of the Garnet Palace where I saw a handsome man with sun-kissed blonde  hair

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As soon as I wore the dress, she quickly grabbed my hand and led me to the garden of the Garnet Palace where I saw a handsome man with sun-kissed blonde  hair. He looked up from the table. My breath hitched as I stared into his jeweled cerulean eyes.

"Are you just going to stare?"

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