It's just a little crush.

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I remember in the 1st grade; I was new to a school called Beechers Elementary. It was the first day of school for me in the middle of the semester since I was born in Connecticut but moved to Florida when I was 6. I made great friends, I met a girl who is currently still my best friend, Veronica. She was a nerd back then, but now she's like the queen bee of our high school. A guy named Carlson and some other girl. I don't really remember since it was so long ago, but I wasn't a social person and I'm still not. I wish I could say it runs in my family, but it doesn't for me. My mother and father are famous businesspeople, or I think they're famous. They always attend those fancy parties for only rich maintained people. It's funny because one of the parties they both attend to is who they met and got me and my sister. Well, I wish she was alive. She's dead. She died from cancer, stage 4. I wish I knew she had it before, but nothing really seemed wrong with her. I miss her even though we had a hard relationship with each other. She had my parent's techniques of communication. She was my parent's favorite. Even though they denied it and said we were both equally loved, that wasn't the case. I feel like ever since she died, it was pointed to me as my fault that she passed. I wish I can go back in time to help her from it before and to find out when she started to develop cancer. She died when we were both in the 4th grade, she was my twin, a twin I wouldn't replace even if we went back and forth arguing and complaining about each other. Anyways, in the first grade, not a lot of people liked me, I figured anyway but I never cared. I'm not the type of person to care about one thing until March 24th, 2008, my teacher called us out from recess to continue learning. I sat down between Carlson and Veronica. We were chattering about the little freeze tag game we had in recess. As I looked at my teacher, a little boy was standing right in front of her but he wasn't facing me so I couldn't see his face but his back. I started to pay attention until she stood up and walked the little boy to the front of the classroom. "Class, we have a new student this year again! Please introduce yourself, Xavier," she says as she smiles. He looks at me. I look at him. He was so fine; I tell you even though we were young. I knew my feelings at that moment weren't a "you're just a kid" thing. It was like looking at a sunset for the first time. I remember smiling in a way, making my cheeks light pink but you couldn't tell. Veronica looked at me in an "Oh my best friend likes someone mhm." Now thinking about it, it was the most hilarious face I've ever encountered. She knew from the start that I liked him. As the school year kept going, I realized more girls liked him, but I liked him more so as the foolish little girl I was, I would tell them that he is dating me, and we were going to get married soon in the future, but he never knew that. I never even talked to him once that year and the next and so on and so forth, but my friends helped me to know him better though, we three, Veronica, Carlson and I never talked to him in elementary. We pretended to be spies and watch every move he has done. From what friends he hung out with to what drama he was involved in, just every basic thing but it was fun, and he would always catch us too, we use to always play it off either saying we were looking for something or we were playing something, totally not stalking him. When we got to junior high, I thought he would remember me from those silly little things from elementary school, but he didn't. Like it was my first time being in his life again. I was a nobody again, but I knew I had to start over and I was fine with that because my plan for the 3 years of middle school was to get to know him. I need to get to know him.

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