Chapter 29- Red prints

Start from the beginning

"Yay, we're saved." Ruby said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Now, this is my kind of party." Riven said, apparently not hearing Ruby's comment and charged at the minotaur along with the other Specialists.

He hit the monster twice with his sword but, it seemed unbothered and the sword barely made a scratch on its leather skin. It tried to punch Riven but, he jumped back dodging it.

"Let's take him on together." Brandon said.

"Just worry about your prince, paige boy." Riven said venomously, making Ruby growl of hate and dig her nails in her arm, to stop herself from doing anything to him. "Come on, guys. Attack."

"Specialists attack." Brandon also said.

"This is my attack." Riven said annoyed, getting distracted for a second and giving the monster an oportunity to strike him. 

Riven went flying through the corridor and ended up going through a window, breaking it into pieces. Ruby grinned, seeing him unconsicous.

While the others ran away and the monster followed them, Ruby stood behind, careful to not let the monster see her and peeked through the broken window. She saw the witches approaching him, with some kind of light orb flying infront of them. Darcy squatted down to inspect him.

"Interesting." She said, looking curious. "This boy has a very strong negative force. He's on a level with the prince of darkness. What do you think?"

"I think he's just an average joe idiot who's wasting our time." Stromy said looking bored.

You couldn't be more right.

"I think that boy could be useful." Icy said with a sneaky smirk. "But, not yet. We'll think about it a little later."

The Trix went away and that was Ruby's opportunity to step inside the room and slowly walk towards Riven to help him but, looking down at his unconsicous figure she felt like her rage came back to her again. 

She remembered everything Riven did since they met. He was a dick to everyone, he thought he was the best and also thought girls were below him. There was nothing in the world that Ruby hated more than a man like that.

Suddenly she felt something in her hand, and she didn't have to look at it to know what it was. She gripped the knife's handle tightly and kneeled down next to him, something dark taking over her. She softly placed the pointy end in Riven's chest right above his heart and slowly sank it, wanting it to be as slowly as posible.

Out of nowhere the sight of Riven carrying Musa in his arms so caring and protective over her passed through Ruby's eyes and then she saw Musa looking at him with love in her eyes. Ruby could already imagine how she would be if Riven died. She wouldn't handle it well, Ruby knows it and, perhaps, she herself wouldn't be able to handle such guilt.

She dropped the knife and sobbed. How could she ever think of doing such thing, to anyone. Ruby pulled on her elastic severall times but, it wasn't working. It eventually broke which made Ruby cry louder and made her hands shake. She looked for her phone, frenetically, only to find out she had forgotten it in the room. The redhead let out a loud scream, not caring who heard it, she just needed to let it out.

Unfortunately her hand found its way towards the knife. She opened up her hand and sliced her palm, trying to hold on another scream. It was a deeper cut than the usual, which had her hand shaking harder out of pain but, her breathing had steadied and her sobs had calmed down.

How was she going to explain that cut?

She breathed deeply and cuther shirt's hem  so she could wrap it around her hand. Once she was done she slapped Riven in the face waking him up.

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