Chapter 2 Lost

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Gregorys pov

I got closer to the voices in the arcade. As i got closer i could see three figures they looked like there dressed for halloween. I got closer until something touched my arm.
"Holy sh-"
I was going to say until i saw that it was the tall man from before.
There was laughter fading away in the distance
"Allow me to introduce my self my name is William Afton" the man said
"My name is Gregory"
I knew he already knows my name but i should at least act like i have manners
"i havent been around kids in a long time so im sorry if i dragged you"
"Yeah youre f-fine" i said
You could totally tell that
"Your coming with me Gregory"
"Why? Are you going to kidnap me i assure you that im a poor orphan"
"No but someone else is coming after you i dont know why so dont ask any questions"
Who would go after a orphan living in the streets?
"We should go outside the pizzaplex that way they dont catch me"
I was deffenetly desperete to go out the pizzaplex.
"What no defenetly no that will put you at risk" he said
He then grabbad me by my arm and dragged me to freddys room.
"Freddy is the only one who cant get affected by the virus and we will be hiding in this room for a couple of days" he said
"How do you know about the virus" i said
"Kid ive been here longer than you have been" he said
If hes been here longer he should know something about vannys plans
"Are you also hiding?" I said
"No im not hiding so im going out for a bit" he said as he headed out the room
"Oh and one more thing dont get out the room" he then left
Im not listening to a guy I just met
I waited for William to be out of sight so I could get out.
"Gregory are you there?" said freddy from my faz watch
Oh right i totally forgot about Freddy
"yeah whats up freddy" I said
"The doors should be open in about 5 minutes" he said
"Great i would be out of this place soon then"
I ran out the room and went to the nearest exit and looked at my faz watch.
Looks like i still have 2 minutes left
I looked around for something to do while i waited.
"Give me back my eyes!"
Shit its Roxane
I hidded between two trash cans.
Comon Roxanne leave already!
I threw a piece of trash on the opposite side i was in.
That should distract her for a while
The doors still remained locked in the pizzaplex.

Williams pov

I grabbed as much food as i could get from the store and was headed back to freddys room. Once i got there the room was empty.
"I knew that kid got out the room"
I checked my watch to see if it was 6 am.
The doors are still locked so he could be hiding anywhere in the pizzaplex.
I went to the farthest door in the pizzaplex first.
He could be waiting near one of the doors. Some people would be coming in 2 minutes and I need to hurry up. I was always bad in playing hide and seek so this wont be easy for me.
What was he doing in the pizzaplex alone at night. Wont his parents be looking for him.
I was keeping him away from his parents if i decided for him to stay here longer. No wonder looked desperate to get out the pizzaplex. The pizzaplex will no longer be safe in the next few days since they are coming.
Freddy! He must know where Gregory is at. But where could freddy be at.
Right now I was in one of the exits close to freddys room until I heard a crash in anearby trash can.
I went as close to the trash can and opened up the lid. There in the trash can was Gregory.
"Boy what are you doing in there?"
"Waiting for the exit to open" he said
"But why in a trash can"
"Roxy was here and I needed a place to hide in" he said again
I looked at him in desbelieve for a moment then I said
"Comon the pizzaplex opens in a minute and we cant be here for when the people come in" I said
"Who would come in this early in the pizzaplex anyways?" He said
"The workers come here every morning to see if everything is alright" I said
"Superstar the doors should be opening in about 10 seconds" said a voice inside Gregorys watch.
"Were you able to communicate with Freddy all this time" I said
"Yeah thats how I was able to hide from everyone until you showed up"
There was static sounds when Gregory finished that sentence. I turned around and I saw chica. This chica has seen better days in her life. Her beak was missing it wasnt like toy chica it was more like someone ripped it off. She was now dirty grey and her arm was gone reveling her endo esqueleton.
"Oh that i ripped her beak off to give it to Freddy" he said calmly
"Why would you do that?!" I said
He sounded way to calmly saying
"To acess other locations I also needed roxys eyes and montys claws"
If chica was this bad i didnt want to imagine how the others looked like.
This was bad I was planning on nobody noticing us but that had to change thanks to Gregory.
The doors to the pizzaplex opened and workers came walking in. Me and Gregory hided in the arcade becouse it was one of the closer rooms. The workers saw chicas, roxys and montys condition and brought them to parts and service. The persons waiting outside were now inside. I looked beside me and Gregory was now gone.
Shit that kid got lost in the crowd!

??? pov
Gregory who is my target was now desperately looking around his sorroundings and I was ready to make a move. I walked closer and closer to him.
"Are you lost?" I told him

Yay this chapter got longer with 1078 words. Im gonna try to make my chapters this long or longer - The author

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