part 5 ❤️‍🔥

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Two people in love face each other with a small round table between them.. the table is set and they're waiting for their food, they managed to order though Taehyung is almost whispering afraid that Jungkook might hear her voice while saying her chosen dish in a waiter that immediately identifies her as a trainee, she got a fan even before auditioning

Taehyung plays with her fingers under the table shy to even look at her date. Jungkook on the other hand didn't know how many times he takes a deep breath to start a conversation

None of them knows why they got in this situation. How do they become so shy with each other though they become friends for a while before all of this happens.. Jungkook blames it on the fake letters Jieun gave to her and he doesn't want to know what other lies she feds her

He took out the last love letter from his pocket he made for her and put it on the side of the table pushing it gently towards her and hopes she will finally look at him

"Tae.." he softly says

Taehyung looks at him and saw the piece of paper folded in a neat way near her glass water

"What is this?"
Taehyung asks resisting to blush though she knows she already looks like a over ripe tomato. She wants to get out of the place so she can breath. She feels her face will explode any minute from now on that she finally talks to him. Just hearing his sweet voice calling her name makes something incredible in her heart

"That... That was the last letter I made for you. I... I'm sorry for trusting someone to deliver you my personal letter" he stutters trying to starts explaining things to her

She picks it up and slowly unfolds it to read but before that she asks him

"Is it okay if I read it now?"

Jungkook nods giving him a tight smile. He knows it will cringe him if ever Taehyung will read it in front of him but whatever.. he doesn't care enough about it. He just wants to get it done so he can get rid of the wall or gap they have between them

She unfolds it gently making sure she won't tear it.. the paper has a cute image of a bunny and a bear with a touch of light purple arounds it. Even the ink he uses is purple, letters written in a cute way, readable but it's quite long, Taehyung smiles scanning the whole paper before starts reading it in silent lips moving a little, hands holding the paper carefully. She smiles whenever she reads about his feelings for her. She finds it very thoughtful and caring, Jungkook makes sure she will feel it through his words

Jungkook watches her every expression, he got worried when her brows raises a little, her eyes moves running through words till it reaches the bottom of it. He prays that she will finish reading it before he faints from too much nervous. He can even hear his heart stumping inside of his rib cage. She folded it again and put it inside her purse

Taehyung sighs looking at him

"Jungkookie" her voice so sweet with his name rolling out from her lips. He look at her eyes waiting what she will say after it

"That was so sweet though I wish I knew it earlier.. we have wasted so many days thinking the other way"

Now Taehyung is fully blushing. She wants to stand up and put her chair near him but that would be so awkward to do

"Is it true? All what I've read is true?"

"Absolutely true.." Jungkook says almost stuttering again

"but what about the previous letters you sent to me? Jieun gave me those and she said you... You're so disgusted by me.. I.. i don't know what I did to you for you to tell me those horrible things., She said you don't want to see my ugly face ever again so I.. i did my very best to avoid you, to hide from you but I'm so unlucky that every time I take turns there you are crossing our path. She even said I'm smelly.. so I.... I make sure I dressed up so well "

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