maaf ini bukan update

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hey gais, im sorry. but i feel like going on a short hiatus. idk i lost the motivation for writing. but inshaAllah i will still be producing ideas to continue the storyline. just that there might not be updates soon. sorry to keep you guys waiting. and tbh, when i saw that tt vid (ikyk), i actually got a lil nervous and was like "is mine ok" lol. but honestly i didnt quite like that tt vid cuz like it demotivated a few of my fav writers and one of them almost deleted her story 😭. the writer updated but the title was .....-discontinued. i was kinda sad but we cant force the writer. i do hope she still update tho, her story is good. i dont plan to discontinue my story but i just dont feel like writing, idk tbh. but maybe because its ramadan and you know there are more important things to focus on. but i might also produce plots as an activity for free time during school since my school is starting in a week ( such an L but just because im socially awkward 😶 ) so u know, if like i lonely or got nothing to do i can write to distract myself hhhhh.

i wanna take this time to say Selamat Berpuasa. May we all spend this Ramadan wisely and gain lots of good deeds. Let us all focus and get back on our deen 🤍 ( yo imagine we write fanfics together in Jannah hhhhhhhhh ).

To my friends from Malaysia, hopefully you guys wont get "Raya Terkejut" once again. Hhh i still remember watching tiktoks of people rushing to prepare for Raya. kelam kabut betol.

So, once again. Sorry for making you guys wait. I felt like i had to make this message just in case anyone is anticipating on an update. just expect a long wait 🙏

thank you for reading and liking this  story. it really makes me happy to see people enjoying the story. i was actually nervous people might not like lol. plus its my first time publishing a story on wattpad. 🩷


ps/ anybody yang tak dapat puasa first day, angkat tangan. cuz this is me. 😐

ps2/ tadi i pergi jalan2 then i dengar "tiktiktik". i macam, macam pernah dengar jer ni. then i guess right. lato-lato. i macam "bruh...lato2 dah berjangkit kat singapura" bye i was like frowning at that sound cuz i honestly find it annoying.

ok goodnight, jangann lupa makan sahurrrrrrrr ( *in fazziq's voice* )

ok lub yall

PROJEK HIGH COUNCIL : KUDRAT X KALISTA ( slow update )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora