Enoughs Enough

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The house was still decently wild after yesterdays fight, the whispering and rumours still flying around.

It was around 10pm when i finally left my room and went downstairs, i went into the kitchen despite having no appetite and noticed Frank and Liam at the Island speaking to Mike.

"Come on Mike you know this has been planned for ages"Liam pleaded

"No the punishment stays" Mike insisted

I approached the messy kitchen island and interrupted

"Whats this?"I asked curiously

"He wont let you go to the cinema tonight because of Johnny" Liam snapped angrily

"No i wont let you go because of your actions yesterday" Mike corrects him

"But Johnny can go and he started it!" Liam hissed waving his arms around

"don't bother Liam, I dont even wanna go" I sighed

"Erza?!" Mike shouted as i walked out the kitchen

I ignored him and walked into the Living room where Tracy was wiping down the table as Toby and Johnny leaned over the computer.
Johnny stared at me and Tracys head lifted to face me.

"Alright?" She asked smiling slightly

I shrugged quietly and jumped over the sofa, landing on the pillows and grabbing the tv remote.
Suddenly Mikes voice was also in the room.

"Erza come to the office please" He said, a hint of irritation in his voice

I ignored him and kept flicking through the channels, nothing that good on.

"Erza." He repeated sternly

"What for?" I sighed turning my straight face towards him

"Just go please" He let out a exaughsted sigh

"Theres no point if i already know what your gonna say, 'You need to watch you attitude and move on from yesterday'" I rolled my eyes mimicking him

To be fair Mike hadn't done anything to me today but I still wasn't over yesterday and how he immediately blamed me. I didn't even care about Johnny anymore.

"Stop it Erza" Tracy said

"I haven't even done anything!" I exclaimed turning my face back to the telly

"Either go to the office or to your room." Mike Snapped angrily

His anger suprissed me, it usually took a-lot more to hit a nerve like this. My head turned back to him and i stood up.

"don't come out till that attuides gone." He added rubbing his forehead

"Im just living up to what you think i am. Low life scum" I hissed at him before storming past him and upstairs

My footsteps could be heard throughout the whole house, so much that Sapphire emerged from her room and followed me.

"What the hells going on?" She asked

"Im getting out of here is whats going on" I remarked grabbing a backpack

"What?! What about Liam?" Sapphire asked watching my stuff my things in the bag

"He'll live im sure" I huffed

"Im not letting you just leave." Sapphire said leaving the room

"Sapph dont!" I shouted at her but it was too late

I grabbed the bag and opened my bedroom window as fast as i could, but it wasn't fast enough. My leg was half way out the window when Liam ran into the room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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