Chapter 1: How to be an empathetic Captain

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Solar could just go on with that mental list as he half listened to Commander Koko Ci lecture him and some other Captains about the new rules and regulations recently implemented for TAPOPs.

Two years. Two years and this is the fifth time they had to create and modify additional policies to make the intergalactic organization more flexible and open with the concept of the new power spheres not wanting to stay in HQ, but instead, preferring to stay with their newfound friends or family, while still being under their protection.

And there was also the new recruits-nonsense.

Just thinking about it was enough to give Solar a headache.

Good-for-nothing, sloppy, inexperienced newbies- he always dreaded the days where he had to train them and bring them to some minor missions.

As more and more power spheres were found and saved since the years passed, the HQ had realized that they were a little... understaffed.

So many undercover laundromats, but not enough agents to execute missions when needed the most.

Especially when...

(No. He was not going there.)

Anyway, because of this shortage, a recruitment process had begun. Aliens all over the galaxies were ecstatic and tried to join in, wanting to make a name for themselves as heroes and protecters of power spheres -or something equally ridiculous as that.

Humans were allowed to join too, since part of their principals in TAPOPS was 'Inclusivity', but surprisingly (not really), Solar was the only human known to be part of the ranks.

He preferred it that way. It made him unique.

But back to the problem at hand, Captains (unfortunately) have a role on their development into becoming trained cadets- trained enough not to get killed on the job.

Fortunately, most of the newbies hated training under Solar. It probably had to do something about his trainings being "overkill" or how his lectures were "indecipherable".

It wasn't really his fault. In his defense, he was trying to be realistic with what goes on during missions and if most of his training would almost kill the new recruits, then let it be an eye-opener to them.

Bringing them closer to death at least gave them enough clarity of what the real world is about.

And you know... less idiots will be enlisted in TAPOPs.

(Solar was really doing this for the greater good and they really should be thanking him for it.)

So, it wasn't a surprise that recommendations and endorsements ended up becoming a rare thing for Solar- making his job a whole lot easier.

It was like the trash was taking itself out.

"And that concludes our meeting." The alien's voice cut through Solar's thought process as he gathered the papers in front of him, "If you don't have further inquiries, you may go."

"Thank you, Commander!" They saluted, which Koko Ci returned.

Solar turned, about to leave when he suddenly spoke.

"Captain Solar, would you mind staying?"

That didn't sound good.

He turned and resumed his salute, "At your service, Commander."

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