CP Meets Hetalia Part I

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"GERMANY?" Italy calls as he walks through the halls of Heavenly Host. "Germany where are you?!"

"Foolish people..." Whispered a voice.

America and Greece walk down a hall together.
"Dude it's weird that I'm paired up with you!"
Greece hugs his white cat. "Not really... You should take this more seriously...."
America laughs. "Yeah right!"
Greece and America keep walking down a hall.
"Gihh i ba..."
"What?!" Greece and America spin around
"Gihh i ba... Gihh e ba mah ongue...."
"Tongue?! What tongue?!" America yells
A little ghost girl walks out. "Gihh i ba..." She had no left eye.
"RUN!!!!" Greece and America take off running, but are quickly followed.

Nyo Iceland and Denmark walk into a room.
"Hey Ice, you ok? You look a bit pale." Dain asks.
"Y-yeah..." Iceland responds looking around.
"Just making sure!"
Then... The 2 look forward and see a corpse on the floor.
Iceland jumps back and says, "Is th-that a body?!"
Denmark couldn't answer. He was to shocked.
Iceland covered her mouth and ran out.
"ICELAND!!!" Denmark chases after Iceland. He sees Iceland sitting against the wall with her knees to her chest. "Hey Ice, it's ok!"
Iceland looks up and nods.

"G-Germany?" Italy yells.
A girl in a red dress and had long black hair walks out. "Hey... Onii-Chan..."
"Wh-who are you?"
"Come with me... Onii-Chan..." The girl leads Italy to the infirmary.
Italy sits on one of the beds.
"Stay here... I'll find your friend, Onii-Chan..."
The girl walks out with a smirk on her face...

Iceland and Denmark look around. They come to a dead end when Iceland grabs her head and grits her teeth. "MY HEAD!!!" She screams.
"What's wrong Iceland?!"
"Are you ok?!"
"I can't... Be here! If I'm here... I'll really... No...." Iceland screams in pain and terror.
"Hey! Get ahold of yourself!"
A little ghost boy steps behind him.
Iceland screams again.
"Onii-Chan, Onee-Chan..." He holds scissors in his hands.
"I got it!" Denmark turns away but the little boy gets up in his face. Denmark falls back and screams, "Stay away! Stay away from me!"
"Onii-Chan, Onee-Chan... Which wants to die first..." The ghost turns to Iceland. "Which one I wonder?" The boy puts the scissors to Iceland's neck. "How bout you, Onee-Chan!"
"STOP!" Denmark yells.
"Bye-Bye Onee-Chan!"
When the ghost was about to stab Iceland, he disappears. Iceland falls to the ground.

The little girl in red walks back in. Italy was asleep. "Onii-Chan..." She holds up her scissors. "Night, night!" The girl stabs Italy in the stomach.
"A-AHHHH!!!!" Italy shrieks.
The girl stabs Italy in the eye. Italy cries in pain.
"Italy?!" Someone yells.
"DOITSU!!! H-HELP!!!!"
The girl stabs Italy in the chest and pushes the scissors deep. She rips out the scissors. The blades had blood and guts all over it.
Germany runs on to see the horrifying sight. "ITALY!!!" He runs to Italy. "Stay with me Italy!"
Italy lifts up his arm, tears run down his face from his one eye. "Doi...tsu..." Italy's arm falls to his side and his eye closed slowly
"Italy... Italy no... ITALY!!!!"

Greece stops running and realizes America wasn't with him. "America?!"

America struggles against the chains around his wrists and ankles. "Dude stop it! This isn't cool!"
The one eyed ghost giggles. "I'm Yuki and I'm here to kill you!" She holds up her scissors... And stabs America in the throat....

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