7. Delicate appreciation

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Kaveh heard mechanical noise as his pillow moved. Wait. He opened his eyes, seeing Alhaitham put his finger to his lips, signaling Mehrak to be quiet. As he looked back at his book, he noticed Kaveh staring at him. His scarlet eyes were still hazy and most of his face was covered by his messed-up blonde hair. Alhaitham regretted every time he carried him to his bed before he woke up. He wanted to say something, but before he could, Kaveh turned away and sat up. Because his white shirt was loose, Alhaitham noticed a thin scar going down his back. He raised his hand to touch it when he heard Kaveh whisper: "You can't do this."
Alhaitham rose his eyebrow but stayed silent. He could see his body start shaking, he was crying again.
"NO!" Kaveh suddenly grabbed the pillow and threw it at him. The silver-haired man tried to grab it, but he was a bit too slow. I did say he could yell at me when we woke up. He looked at his earpieces, maybe if he grabbed them when Kaveh wasn't looking...
He felt something push him aside as Kaveh grabbed the earpieces. Really Mehrak? While he tried to sit back up Kaveh already began to rant: "You can't just do something and then pretend like it's nothing."
Alhaitham smirked as he made himself comfortable on the bed again. Kaveh grabbed the pillow, but this time he just hugged it tightly. He took a deep breath and continued, trying to keep his voice calm: "You hugged me and then you ignored me and then you flirted with me again and then all of a sudden you want to cuddle, not only that, you have done it before without telling me. Do you see the problem here?"
Alhaitham shrugged as he said: "Not really."
Alhaitham tried his best not to flinch, but Kaveh still noticed. He watched as his scarlet eyes filled with tears and he began to weep. "Why are you crying?"
Kaveh tried to tell him, but even the archons wouldn't be able to understand that gibberish. He rolled his eyes, taking his earpieces from him. He got up, startling Kaveh. When the blonde looked up, his roommate had already left the room. He jumped up and followed him. He caught him in the living room, grabbing his hand.
"Why did you just leave?"
Alhaitham looked at his wrist and then back up at him, making Kaveh release his grip on him. But he was not giving up: "Why are you acting like this?"
"Like what?"
Kaveh groaned." You're kidding me, right? You're being nice and kind and then all of a sudden you just leave. Like you don't even care." Alhaitham was about to reply when they heard a knock. None of them expected anyone. Alhaitham saw Kaveh grab Mehrak as he went to check who it is. He heard a familiar voice, belonging to a flying companion. Oh for the love of archons, please no. Paimon's voice called his name as he lowered his head in defeat. He heard Kaveh's approach. He could see him widen his eyes when he heard Paimon on the other side of the door. Alhaitham remained silent in hopes they might give up and leave him alone. He wasn't in the mood for the company of the Travelers babbling companion.
"He must not be home. We can try another time..."
Kaveh opened the door, pushing Alhaitham aside.
"Good morning."
Paimon and Traveler greeted him back, asking about Alhaitham's whereabouts. Kaveh saw the silver-haired man staring at him, waiting for his next words. He wanted nothing more but to ruin his free day.
"He hasn't woken up yet, but I could give him your message."
Traveler thanked him and told him about their latest commission. A ruin emerged in the desert, uncovered after one of the sandstorms appeared. A team has been sent to excavate it, but their boss hasn't heard from them in weeks. So the Traveler was hired to find them and bring them back or at least confirm their deaths. At that point Alhaitham moved to Kaveh's side asking the Traveler why they need him. Kaveh tried to focus on Paimon who began to shout, but couldn't since he felt Alhaithams fingers brush over his.
"... hiding behind the door all this time?"
"Why would l do that?"
His expression seemed relaxed, almost bored, but when Kaveh noticed a small smile, his heart started to speed up. He remembered how he grabbed him, how safe he felt in his hug.
Damn it, Kaveh get yourself together. He felt the Traveler's eyes on him, realising they were expecting an answer.
He blushed as he said: "Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts for a second, what were you saying?"
Alhaitham scoffed as he explained: "You will have to excuse Kaveh, if the conversation isn't about him, he doesn't listen." Kaveh shot him a glare as Alhaitham continued: "Traveler explained the reports indicate most of the ruins have hidden mechanisms and puzzles and they believe my skills could be useful."
Kaveh chuckled: "What skills? Your skills with mechanisms are average at best."
Traveler and Paimon shared a glance but Kaveh ignored it. Instead, he invited them inside and then walked to the kitchen to make coffee. Alhaitham watched as the blonde put his thumb up fist on his chin and moved it downwards using a twisting movement. Then he disappeared into the kitchen. He told the guest to give him a few minutes to change and when he came back, Kaveh was already drinking coffee and chatting with the Traveler. Mehrak was levitating next to him, their expression being upset. As Alhaitham sat down, the machine levitated closer, changing its expression to happy.
As emotionally stable as their creator.
Traveler turned to him as he took his mug off the table, asking if he thought about their proposal. Kaveh stood up to leave when he heard his roommate say: "I think Kaveh should also join us, with his superior skills and all."
Paimon started nodding, agreeing with Alhaitham while Traveler stated they would appreciate his help. Kaveh ground his teeth in frustration as he turned to decline, but Paimon interrupted: "We will split the reward with you of course."
Kaveh knew he still needed money for rent and this way at least he could save up some of it. He sighed, saying he will go get ready. Paimon's screech of joy almost split his head apart. The Traveler and Paimon gave them the location of the ruins. Kaveh didn't hear the last part, but when he came back to the living room they were gone. Alhaitham sat on the couch, reading as Kaveh packed some things in Mehrak. They seemed excited as their expression beamed. Alhaitham watched while Kaveh was turned away. Suddenly his eyes met Kaveh's crimson ones, and he began to wonder if he will ever get used to them. Kaveh had something else in mind.
"I hope you're happy. Ruining my plans to work."
"You let them in."
"For an hour, I didn't intend to spend the next two days with them."
"Well you said yourself, we won't be able to do it without you, with my average skills and all." Alhaitham didn't look up from his book, but his voice was laced with sarcasm. Kaveh huffed, grabbing and drinking the rest of his coffee as he grabbed the note left by the Traveler. Alhaitham closed his book, leaving it on the table. He took both keys as Kaveh took the mugs to the kitchen and rinsed them. When the blonde came back, Alhaitham was already waiting outside. Kaveh mumbled, probably something insulting as he waved Mehrak to follow him outside. He stopped in front of Alhaitham. He wanted to tell him how annoying and self-centered he is, but the moment he looked into his eyes, his mind went blank. How can one man have such beautiful eyes and such an annoying personality he thought to himself. Kaveh loved those turquoise orbs, but what he loved more was the red and gold in the middle, like a pool of fire embraced by a river of peace.
Alhaitham felt his cheeks flush as his roommate stared in awe. After he called his name, the blonde blinked and his expression changed to one of frustration: "You took my keys again."
Alhaitham shrugged turning towards the front door and smirked when he heard Kaveh scoff. After locking the door he told him about Traveler's plan to inform Candace about the rescue mission in case they needed a healer. Kaveh's scrunched his nose listening to him as they walked towards the Akademiya. Alhaitham saw him tense before they heard a familiar voice call their name.
"Madam Faruzan, lovely to see you again."
"Kaveh, dear, I was just on my way to you. I need your help."
Alhaitham listened as Madam Faruzan explained her problem, her problem mainly being the authority telling her what to do. Kaveh smiled, nodding while their senior talked about how incompetent today's students are and how she refuses to teach someone who doesn't care about her work. Alhaitham excused himself, telling Kaveh he needs to drop off some things in the Akademiya before they leave for the dessert. Faruzan became intrigued and wanted to know more, temporarily forgetting about her frustrations. Alhaitham sighed, happy he doesn't have to deal with the senior scholar. The one thing he enjoyed was that not everyone recognised him as the Acting Grand Sage. He knew Madam Faruzan would try to get something out of him, the moment she realised who he is. When he got to his office, Cyno was already waiting for him, sitting on his desk with a grin on his face.
"Just because you're the Acting Grand Sage, doesn't mean you can just skip work."
Alhaitham offered him the papers he brought making Cyno jump off and take them. He looked back at him, his expression serious: "Did the Traveler tell you about the rescue mission?"
Alhaitham shook his head: "I talked to them this morning, and they think it's just another commission."
Cyno nodded. After a few moments of silence, he spoke again: "My people are still researching your other request."
Alhaitham sighed, the only reason he made sure Kaveh joined him, was to keep an eye on him. Something was clearly going on, but he didn't trust him enough to tell him what. He shuddered as he remembered the flash of the blade, aiming for Kaveh's stomach. What did he get himself into? He knew about his debt and the tab, but this wasn't about Mora. That man looked like he wanted Kaveh dead.
"Alhaitham, are you ok?"
Alhaitham looked up, noticing a dark spot on the general's neck. He tried to cover it with his hair and for most people it would work. He smiled as Cyno blushed, realising he noticed the hickey. The General cleared his throat, setting the papers on the table as he said: "I will take care of the things here. I can set up some guards for Kaveh..."
"He is coming with me."
The general crossed his arms, his voice lowering: "Alhaitham... "
"He will be safer with me than here alone," the Scribe's tone implied general should drop it. He sighed and relaxed, letting his arms fall to his sides again. Cyno knew there is no point in arguing, he would do the same for Tighnari. He still couldn't help but chuckle. Alhaitham gave him a confused look. Cyno shook his head as he said: "I will never understand how you two can be such geniuses and soo fucking dumb at the same time."
Alhaitham raised an eyebrow as Cyno shrugged and started walking towards the elevator. He followed, confused by the sudden change of mood: "I see having a partner hasn't improved your sense of humor."
Cyno giggled, GIGGLED, as they walked through the library and towards the front door. Before he opened them, he turned to Alhaitham with a grin on his face. Oh please no...
"Kaveh is a lucky man."
Alhaitham narrowed his eyes. What's that supposed to mean?
Cyno started walking away as he said: "To have a friend who would never DESERT I him."

Alhaitham X Kaveh - Love and LogicМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя