5. A Bold Faced Lie

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"When did you learn how to sign?
Kaveh was putting away the groceries when Alhaitham walked into the kitchen. After thinking about it, he replied: "I knew a girl that had to use it. She wasn't completely deaf, but it was clear signing made it easier for her."
Alhaitham nodded. Since when does he have to drag words out of Kaveh? Most of the time he doesn't shut up.
"Want to go grab a drink?"
He heard an apple fall when Kaveh turned to face him, his face resembling Mehrak's scared expression. Alhaitham realised his question could imply something else, something that made his cheeks turn pink. He cleared his throat as he added: "As a thank you. For the earpieces." Did Kaveh think he was asking him on a date? He looked up to see Kaveh smiling to himself. This man really has a problem with alcohol.
"Oooor... If you're really feeling grateful..." Kaveh spoke in a soft voice. Alhaithams heart started racing until he realised where this is going. He rolled his eyes and interrupted before Kaveh could finish his thought: "No, you still owe me rent. "
Kaveh laughed and shrugged: "Worth a shot. " He put the last of the groceries away and continued: "Give me 15 minutes I need a shower."
Alhaitham felt his hand brush against his arm as Kaveh passed him by. Was that intentional? He shook his head. What was wrong with him? He must still feel dizzy from the noise. He took the time he had to read two more chapters, knowing Kaveh's 15 min will turn into 30. The wait didn't bother him and even if it did, Kaveh would still take the same amount of time, maybe even more in that case. As he read through the first chapter, a familiar mechanical noise got his attention. Mehraks face appeared upset, hovering in front of the entrance. He approached them to see what caused such a reaction. On the floor, there was a bloody piece of paper. Alhaitham picked it up when he heard Kaveh curse from his room. It seemed something about his hair frustrated him. Mehrak was floating next to Alhaitham as he read the message on the bloody paper. Time for a reunion - M. Alhaitham flipped the paper to see if there is anything else. Who is M? What reunion? Was this the reason Kaveh broke the lamp? He saw some sand sticking to the bloody parts of the paper. That explains where the sand came from, but what does it mean? He stuck the paper in his pocket and sat back down, trying to figure out who would invoke such a reaction in Kaveh. Mehrak levitated in front of him, their face setting was neutral. They both turned when Kaveh walked in, looking as handsome as ever. "I am ready," he sang and Mehrak started to giggle in their mechanical way. Alhaitham sighed at his roommate's dramatic entrance. "Let's go," he said while looking away, trying to hide the blush creeping on his cheeks. Kavehs smile and good mood caught him unprepared. It's because of the faulty earpieces he thought to himself as he locked the door.

Lambad's terrace was packed full. Kaveh felt the change in Alhaitham. On their way here they were chatting, well he was chatting, but the moment they approached the crowd, the silver-haired man became cold and distant. Kaveh looked around for any familiar faces. He smiled when he saw a certain redhead approach.
"Kaveh!" Nilou shouted as she hugged him. "It's so nice to see you. Where have you been?"
She moved away and looked at him with worried eyes. Kaveh answered before she could ask any more questions: "Oh you know, always working. How are you? Any new shows coming up?"
Nilou beamed as she began to tell him about the new program. He hadn't visited the theatre in a very long time. He felt like a fraud. How many times did he defend the importance of the arts to Alhaitham? He remembered them arguing about it a few weeks ago and yet he never found the time for it himself. Nilou grabbed his hand: "Are you sure you're ok?" Kaveh nodded with a smile trying to come up with an excuse for his absent mind when he saw pair of familiar fox ears. He excused himself and then pulled Alhaitham towards their friends. Cyno waved at them when he spot them. While the general and the scribe only nodded at each other, Kaveh gave Tighnari a big hug, asking about Collei and the forest rangers. Tighnari laughed: "I see you forgot most of the previous night already."
Kaveh laughed with him: "Well you know me. What's up with the crowd though?"
Hearing his question, Cyno mostly shouted the answer: "Someone opened a tab for the whole night for their crew. Apparently, they are celebrating a good year."
Kaveh nodded looking at Alhaitham. He could see him tense when one of the guests bumped into him. The guy was clearly drunk and as he stumbled past him, Kaveh tripped him. He fell, bumping into some other guests. Kaveh pretended to be shocked when he saw Tighnari laughing at him. He shrugged with a mischievous smile signaling them to go inside. Most tables were occupied but Kaveh spotted an empty one on the second floor. Mehrak flew at it, making sure no one takes it. As they sat down, Alhaitham noticed Cyno smirking at him. Kaveh and Tighnari decided to get their drinks at the bar leaving the other two alone. Alhaitham watched as they walked away, noticing Kaveh's hands clenching into fists as they approached the group surrounding the bar.
"So, what happened between you and Kaveh?"
Cyno's question made him turn around, confused by what Cyno was trying to imply.
Cyno chuckled as he continued." His hand is bandaged and he seems like he finally got some sleep. I take it you had something to do with it?"
Alhaitham loosened up a bit. After some consideration, he replied: "It would be hard to get rent from a dead roommate."
Cyno rolled his eyes as they heard something break. Looking down they watched as Lambad grabbed two of the drunk guests and threw them through the front door. Alhaitham looked for his roommate as he spoke: "I need your assistance. I require information about anyone who entered Sumeru in the last three days, coming from the desert."
Cyno's face tensed as he heard him. He was now a general of Mahematra, ready to fight.
"Are you asking as the Acting Grand Sage?"
Alhaitham shook his head turning his face back to Cyno. Kaveh and Tighnari were still waiting for their turn. He considered telling Cyno about the lamp situation on his way to the tavern. But he needed his help to stay off the records, especially since Kaveh didn't even know he read the bloody note. He estimated how much longer it will take for Kaveh and Tighnari to get back and began to explain the situation. Cyno listened quietly until he was finished nodding in agreement as they saw the other two approach the table. Alhaitham knew Cyno will be able to find the person behind the letter, but it was on him to find out the cause of Kaveh's reaction and why was he keeping quiet about it. This man would tell him everything about his day, especially about the people that have somehow wronged him. This time it felt different. Kaveh was still emotional as always but Alhaitham has never seen such rage in his eyes, even if it was for a split second.
Kaveh and Tighnari brought two bottles of wine, both extremely expensive Alhaitham presumed. As Kaveh poured the wine he asked the couple how come they were here that night. Cyno explained Tighnari had some dealings with Madam Faruzan that afternoon so they decided to go for a drink after. Kaveh chuckled: "Well it's lucky you ran into him then. Other than our game nights I haven't seen him in the city much."
Alhaitham watched as the general's cheek turned pinkish when he mumbled a reply: "Yeah, it was lucky." He heard a kick from under the table and Kaveh's expression revealed him as the target. Kaveh laughed as he saw Tighnari glaring at him before seeing his bandaged hand. He grabbed it and as Kareh hissed from the pain, Alhaitham clenched his hands into fists.
Tighnari loosened his grip after hearing him, but he refused to let go. He took out another bandage, a clean one, and began to change it, cursing the person who did it in the first place. Kaveh sat quietly, apologizing to Tighnari that he had to do that. Tighnari dismissed his apologies saying: "Cyno brings me, someone, to heal every day, this is nothing. How did you get these wounds though?"
Kaveh looked away mumbling: "I broke a lamp."
Tighnari chuckled: "Of course you did. Here all done."
Kaveh thanked him feeling the sting of his wounds as he grabbed his cup of wine. He felt his leg start to twitch as he remembered the reason for his wounds. She is here, somewhere in the city. She could be following him for weeks before she sent the message. He saw dark figures moving in the corner of his eye when he felt someone grab and squeeze his thigh under the table. Alhaitham? Kaveh felt his heartbeat race at his touch, but somehow it didn't feel bad. He felt relieved, knowing he was there. Touching him.
"Kaveh are you ok?" Tighnari's voice snapped him back into reality, making him realise he had been staring into space for some time now. He saw Alhaitham smirk when Tighnari asked if he feels feverish. His face was turning bright red. He said he was fine, blaming the crowd and the heat in the room for his state. Something told him Alhaitham was enjoying his predicament. Bastard. He emptied what was left of the first bottle and laid it down on the table. He shot a mischievous smile at the forest ranger as he said: "Hey Nari, you know what we haven't played in a while?" Tighnari shook his head as he realised what Kaveh was implying. The last time they played Truth or Drink, they ended up naked in the middle of the forest. He even got into a fight with a tree that reminded him of one of the Sages.
"Can we at least play the normal version?" he begged as Kaveh spun the bottle. He shook his head: "I don't need to see you do flips and kiss strangers. I know you can do that. Truth or drink it is."

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