Emira huffed, gently pushing Edric's face to look at her. "Ed. It is not your fault. He wanted to protect you, yes. But that was not your fault. He pushed you onto your staff, and your staff simply took you away from a dangerous situation."

Edric whimpered, his ears flattening against his skin. "I can't move on, Em... One day, you're not going to be around me anymore, and then who am I going to have? Hunter was supposed to be around me forever, but now he's gone because of me..." He cried, warm tears streaming down his face and falling from his chin, landing on his pants.

Emira blinked, her eyes growing wide. She didn't think that Edric's fear of being alone went that deep. She sighed and gently took his face in her hands, knowing that was something that Edric liked. "Ed, you're going to be okay. This isn't how you're going to feel forever. I'm still going to be around you in the future, just not as much. You don't need to hurt yourself... You don't need to try to end your life... Edric, you mean so much to me and Mittens. You're important."

Edric whined, his eyes slowly fluttering shut. The wound on his wrist was now no longer bleeding, but it was starting to scab. "Can we just... sweep this under the rug?"

Emira shook her head, "No. Ed, you cut your wrist. I'm not just going to put this off. You're going to do it again if we don't talk about this." She let out a small exhale, "This happened before, Ed. Don't think that I've forgotten that... Everything that happened before your transition..."

Edric slowly shrank down, "Please, Em. I can't talk about this right now." He muttered, his voice still shaky.

Emira gently ran a hand through Edric's hair, seeing how tired he seemed. "Fine... But I'm camping out in your room tonight. Like how we used to do when we were little after our nightmares. You remember that?" She asked softly, a smile slowly spreading across her face.

Edric let out a small chuckle, "Mhm... I remember putting a blanket on the floor of your room late at night and in the morning, you would always accidentally step on me."

Emira giggled and rolled her eyes, "I'll be right back, I'm going to get a blanket from my room. Do you want me to get my crystal ball too? We can watch some of your nerdy shows." She teased her brother.

Edric hummed, a quivering smile slowly spreading across his face. "Sure."

Emira nodded, leaving the room.

(Edric's POV)

Edric sighed, getting up from the chair in front of his vanity, plopping down face-first into the mattress of his bed. He just missed his boyfriend... he wanted to cuddle with him, to kiss him, to just hold his hand. He missed the comfort. He had adored and put all his energy into him and Hunter's relationship.

He rolled onto his side, facing the wall as he gently took a plushie of a Selkidomus that Hunter had gotten for him. Hunter had gotten it as an apology gift for missing one of their dates. Edric smiled to himself, nuzzling his face into the plush. It had meant so much to him... He would never get rid of it.

Edric slowly shut his eyes, quietly taking in a deep breath. His favorite memory that he had with Hunter was when they had gone on a picnic date late at night, earlier on in their relationship.

(Flashback, bc why not? Still in Ed's POV)

Edric quietly laid on his back over a blanket he had set down. He had been admiring the stars while he waited for Hunter. Of course, he had his concealment stone on his wrist. He had brought a small picnic basket filled with snacks, mainly just bread rolls and cake. Edric wasn't allowed to eat certain things, so he was rather limited on what to bring, and those were the most appetizing foods to him.

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