"The King has an heir, my lord Hand." Lord Corlys interjected.

"Despite how difficult this time is, Your Grace," The Hand continued, ignoring the Master of Tides. "I feel it important the succession be firmly in place for the stability of the realm."

"The succession is already set, by precedent and by law." Lord Strong spoke up.

"Shall we say his name?" Darla couldn't help but like Lord Corlys, the man was dramatic, she thought as he threw himself into his chair and spoke the Prince's name.

"If Daemon were to remain the uncontested heir, it could destabilize the realm." The elderly Grand Maester spoke slowly.

"The Realm? Or this Council?" Lord Corlys questioned, though he had a point. The Prince couldn't stand the other members of the Small Council.

"No one here can know what Daemon would do were he king, but no one can doubt his ambition." Ser Otto spoke again irritating Darla further. "Look at what he did with the Gold Cloaks. The City Watch is fiercely loyal to him. An army two thousand strong."

"An Army you gave him, Otto." Viserys argued, annoyed with his hand and friend. "I made Daemon Master of Laws, but you said he was a tyrant. As Master of Coin, you said he was a spendthrift that would beggar the realm. Putting Daemon in command of the City Watch was your solution!"

Darla always found it attractive when Viserys raised his voice at someone. She could almost pretend he was a true man and not a puppet on her string.

"A half-measure, Your Grace. The truth is Daemon should be far away from this court."

"Daemon is my brother. My blood. And he will have his place at my court."

"Let him keep his place at court, Your Grace." Mellos once again droned on in his slow voice. "But if the Gods should visit some further tragedy on you, either by design or by accident-"

"Design?" The King interrupted. "What are you saying? My brother would murder me, take my crown? Are you?!" At the council's silence, Viserys continued. "Please. Daemon has ambition, yes, but not for the throne. He lacks the patience for it."

"The Gods have yet to make a man who lacks the patience for absolute power, Your Grace." The Hand spoke up yet again making Darla question if the man knew when to shut up.

"Under such circumstances, it would not be such an aberration for the King to name a successor." Mellos pointed out.

"Well, who else would have a claim?" Lord Strong asked.

"The King's first born child." Otto spat out as if the mere suggestion caused him pain.

"Rhaenyra? A girl?" Lord Lyonel laughed. "No Queen has ever sat the Iron Throne."

"That is only by tradition and precedent, Lord Strong." Mellos argued.

"If order and stability so concerns this council, then perhaps we shouldn't break a hundred years of it by naming a girl heir." The Master of Laws argued.

"Daemon would be a second Maegor or worse. He is impulsive and violent. It is the duty of this council to protect the King and the realm from him," Ser Otto snapped, before turning to address the King in a softer tone. "I'm sorry, Your Grace, but that is the truth as I see it, and I know that others here agree."

"I will not be made to choose between my brother and my daughter."

"You wouldn't have to, Your Grace. There are others who would have a claim."

Lord Strong laughed upon hearing Lord Corlys's words. "Such as your wife, Lord Corlys? The Queen who never was?"

"Rhaenys was the only child of Jaehaerys' eldest son. She had a strong claim at the Great Council, and she already has a male heir." Lord Corlys argued for his wife's claim.

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