Sarada's Birthday

Start from the beginning

Boruto's cheeks reddened at the idea of matching with Sarada. "I don't need the extra. Just the regular one is fine."

"You know, all ninja get these eventually. You're going to be matching in the future if you both attend the academy."

He eyed the strap again. His parents talked about the ninja academy a few times. He even visited there once to attend a mock training with Sarada. He beat her in everything except for throwing shuriken... And even impressed everyone by making a shadow clone. If they were getting ahead of the other people in the academy... Then maybe it was worth it. "I guess I'll take the extra... How much is it?"

"For you? I'll give you a special discount. How about 700 ryo?"

"Just 700 ryo?! That seems like a big discount. That's about as much as a meal at Thunder Burger!"

"Take it or leave it, little man! I don't give out discounts to just anyone, you know."

Boruto looked into the wallet his mother had given him. There was about 2000 ryo inside. Only spending 700 meant he could use the rest for something else... So with a grin, he handed the money over. "I'll take it!"

Tenten handed him four kunai in a nice box with one extra, and two leg straps. He quickly took them and headed for his house, all excited to show his mom what he was getting her and ask her to wrap it up.

But when he arrived home and called for his mom, she was upstairs in Himawari's room. She washed her hands and sighed. "Sorry Boruto, I think Himawari has a fever... I was going to go to Sarada-chan's party later, but I can't anymore. Tell Sakura I'm sorry."

"Oh..." He hid the present behind his back. "That's ok. I'll go back outside. Tell Himawari I hope she feels better! Do you... need any medicine from the store?"

Hinata smiled. "We have some here. Will you tell your father to come by the house and see her when he has the chance? She keeps calling for him in her sleep."

Boruto looked down. His father had been pretty unreliable lately. But if he was able to find him, he was sure he'd come home and see his little sister. "I'll look around the village. Thanks mom!"

"Oh, let me wrap that for you before you go. Kunai huh... What a good present! You had enough for this?"

"Ah... Yeah," Boruto laughed nervously, attempting to keep the fact that there were leftovers hidden. If he was going to be outside all day... It would be nice to have some spending money.

"Good. Here's a little extra for lunch. Sakura said she was going to treat everyone to dinner as well, so you shouldn't have to worry about that. Make sure you don't stay out too late!"

"I won't!" He took the wrapped present and headed out the door, feeling slightly guilty about hiding the money from his mom. He would just give her the change when he got back.

It would be easier to stop by Sarada's first and hand her the present instead of carrying it around all day, so he decided to head there for a bit. Hopefully he wouldn't be interrupting anything.

When he knocked on the door, Sarada answered as usual, both hands pulling back the knob, a slightly scared look on her face. "...Boruto?"

"Yo! I came by to deliver your present early. Hima's got a cold, so I'm staying outside and didn't feel like carrying it around."


"Hm? Today's your birthday, isn't it?"

Sarada looked up. "Oh. Right."

Immediately, Boruto's eyebrows furrowed. He peered behind her. "Hey, Sarada... Where's your mom?"

"Ah, she got called into the hospital early today. There was some sort of poison used by a rogue ninja or something that the other medics couldn't figure out. I think she's coming home early today though."

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