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Boruto ran through the streets, wondering which one the hospital was. He knew what it looked like on the outside, but he didn't go there too often.

"Excuse me, sir, where is the hospital?"

"Hm? Little boy, what happened?"

"Please," he said, swallowing his tears, "I need to get there."

"I see... Can I help you carry the girl?"

Boruto furrowed his eyebrows. Even though she was heavy, he didn't want to let go. It was his fault. She made tea because he came over. And she only tried to pick it up because he hurt his hand. "It's ok. I'll do it."

The man smiled. "Go straight that way, and the hospital will be on your right."

Without a word of thanks, Boruto dashed off in the indicated direction.

.  .  .

Sakura was in the middle of making an extra dosage of herbal tea for one of her patients when a nurse frantically rushed into the room.

"Mrs. Uchiha! Your daughter... Your daughter is hurt!"

She pulled off her gloves, trying not to appear panicked. "Take over this for me. I'll be right back."

Just as she dashed into the lobby, she found her daughter crying on the back of a tired looking Naruto look-a-like. "What happened," she asked, gently lifting Sarada off of his back and into her arms.

"She... She was making me tea, a-and the water... It spilled..." The tears Boruto had been holding back were starting to leak out.

Sakura noticed immediately that her daughter's clothes were wet and suspected a burn. "I'll be ok," she said with a smile, gently emitting chakra from her hand and into her daughter's back. "Where does it hurt?"

Sarada sniffled and pointed a finger up to her head, then to her feet. First, Sakura treated her head. But when she began to heal the slight redness on her feet, she noticed a redness that wasn't a burn mark dripping down her leg. It was blood. But she didn't appear have any open wounds.

Slowly looking towards Naruto's son, she noticed him holding his hand against his white t-shirt. And there was red seeping down it.

"My goodness, the two of you are a mess. How did Hinata put up with you when you were babies?" She asked with a chuckle. "Boruto, let me see your hand."

Looking up at her with scared blue eyes, he hesitantly held out his hand. While holding Sarada on one hip, she closed the wound. "There. All better."

Boruto inspected his hand. His eyes widened.

Sakura couldn't help but chuckle at his amusement. With how reckless his father was, it was surprising that this was his first time witnessing medical ninjutsu. "Does it hurt anywhere else?"

Blonde bangs swooshed from side to side as he shook his head no. Then he looked up at Sarada. "Is she gonna be ok?"

"She'll be fine..." Sakura gently placed her hand against her daughter's head as she sniffled. "Thank you for brining her here, Boruto."

Suddenly, a local burst through the door of the hospital. "Mrs. Uchiha! Smoke is coming out of your house!"

Sakura's eyebrow twitched. She let Sarada down and placed her next to Naruto's son. "You forgot to turn the burner off, didn't you."

Lips tucking into her mouth, Sarada held the hem of her shirt. The sign of her guilty face.

She sighed. "I'll be back. Someone finish off that herbal tea for me please!"

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