The taller warrior looked at Tora while saying "Well now look what we've got here boys! It's Bardock's underlings! What's wrong with Bardock? Did he get the sniffles?" Thorn and Bardock emerged and this made Thorn say while powering up "Surprised ...

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The taller warrior looked at Tora while saying "Well now look what we've got here boys! It's Bardock's underlings! What's wrong with Bardock? Did he get the sniffles?" Thorn and Bardock emerged and this made Thorn say while powering up "Surprised to see us boys?!" The elites were taken back as their trap while it was sprung was now facing them! Thorn had Borgos, Shugesh and Fasha make sure the elites couldn't run while Bardock, Tora and himself took the bastards out. Bardock and Tora smiled at this as they were always ready for a fight but Bardock was smiling more so towards how Thorn was such a powerful leader without even trying to be, he knew that Thorn could easily be the King of the Saiyans if he wanted to. The three Saiyans charged in and fought the elites off with relative ease leaving the tall long haired elite last and Thorn was able to sneak behind the elite and hold the warrior in place while yelling to Tora "Father! Kill this one! I'll make sure he can't run away." Tora hesitated for a moment but then he saw Thorn wink then Tora said "Alright then...take this you bastard! Flame Bullet!" Just before the attack landed Thorn released the elite and vanished leaving said elite to be killed instantly and after a few seconds Thorn appeared by his father saying "Nice shot. Now then I think we're secure-" Just then Thorn felt an energy source moving fast leaving Thorn to shove his father aside and be struck by an attack that didn't do much damage however that wasn't the end of the surprise ambush. Somehow Borgos and Shugesh were knocked out leaving Fasha alone as a large pink warrior appeared holding Fasha in the air with their hand around her neck. Bardock looked over and spotted the pink warrior and said "Dodoria let her go you bastard!" Thorn who struck earlier by Dodoria's attack recovered and he said out loud "You heard Bardock you bloated piece of gum.." Just then Thorn appeared behind Dodoria and said "Let her go." He grabbed Dodoria's arm and squeezed around his wrist causing Dodoria to release Fasha who went to attack but Thorn stared at her with an expression that said to her "Stay out of this fight, he's my prey now." It was then that Thorn tossed Dodoria aside then he did this to Dodoria:

After landing the Kamehameha on Dodoria and landing near Tora and the others Thorn said to the group as they were smiling and celebrating "Don't celebrate just yet! I can sense his power still." Everyone used their scouters and sure enough Dodoria somehow survived that onslaught however Thorn wasn't done yet as he said just as his Kaioken aura flared around him "You're not dead yet? I'll sort that out right now! KAIOKEN!!!" It was then that Thorn did the exact same thing Goku had done to Nappa when he and Vegeta invaded Earth:

It was then that even though Dodoria was still alive he definitely wasn't going to much of a threat with a broken spine. Thorn tossed the pink blob towards the others and said "Now you guys can do as you want to him...I wanted him to feel some sort of pain after that little attack of his." Thorn powered down and as he was turning around Tora approached him saying "Interesting techniques you used earlier mind explaining them?" Thorn sighed and said "I can but you may not believe me." Tora looked at his son and said "I believed you're my son from the future so I'm sure you can't surprise me anymore than that Thorn." This made Thorn smile and explain everything that made him learn that attack with obvious parts left out to avoid making his story seem that farfetched however as he was explaining this to his father it was clear that Tora wasn't just listening he was smiling as his son had not only learned how to fight with such power, precision and speed but also he could see that Thorn had sharpened his mind and that made Tora one proud Saiyan father.

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