~ Prologue ~

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Billy and Eddie were in Eddie's room wondering where Steve is as it has been nearly three months since they have seen him as he suddenly just disappeared. Billy and Eddie looked around as they see that they are not in Eddie's room anymore, they were in a big cinema and they were not alone ( Billy made up with Max and the group and they both moved in with Steve as both of his parents were never there but since he is missing they moved into Eddie home ) " Eddie? Billy? is that you guys? " they heard Robin shout.

" Yeah it's us Robin " Eddie yelled back they walked over to the group " Do you guys know what happened and where we are " Billy asked " no, not yet we were looking for a way out and everybody just kept showing up at random times we don't know if anymore people are coming " Nancy said.

Suddenly a loud bang was heard, they all heard a voice " Hello " they said " Who are you " demanded the group. " I am Percy but younger somebody I know sent me to show you how Percy is doing or in your case Steve " young Percy said.

" YOU KNOW WHERE STEVE IS!? " they all shouted at once " no need to shout geez you guys " young Percy said " Can you tell us where he is? " Dustin asked young Percy " no but I can show what is happening and what is going to happen " he answered him truthfully. They all nodded there head and sat down.

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