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The sun rises and seeps through the window, hitting Ronald Weasley's freckled face.

His red hair is disheveled on the pillow and his lips are open and swollen.

Next to his bed, there's Harry's, who has just been woken up by a sudden noise.

"Ron have you heard?" He asks frightened to his friend.

"What?" Ron wakes up and makes faces while stretching. "I've only heard your annoying voce this early in the morning, Harry".

Harry gets up and goes towards the window, opens the curtains and leans to look out.

A carriage is crossing the school's threshold.

"Were we waiting for someone?" Ron asks while sitting.

Harry sees the carriage stopping and a door opening.

A blonde head goes out from the vehicle, and immediately looks up.

For a moment it seems to Harry that that person have smiled to him, but keeps this thought away, they are too far from each other.

"Who knows who she is..." he whispers, but is interrupted by Ron, who encourages him to hurry up, otherwise they will be late for breakfast.

They both get ready in a hurry.

"Maybe she's a teacher, isn't she?" Ron asks confused.

"No, she seemed a girl" Harry explains.

While they are walking to the Great Hall, they meet their friend Hermione Granger.

"Hurry up! Dumbledore has something to say to all the school!" The girl says with very tired eyes and brown wavy messy hair.

Harry is pensive and weirded out. After all that has happened.

The school is still mourning for Cedric, despite that, everyday life seems to be reestablished, after all, a month has passed and Hogwarts needs to honor his memory with a smile.

That poor Hufflepuff boy died during the three wizards tournament, killed due to Voldemort's command.

The three guys come into the Great Hall, which is illuminated by a very intense light glare, longs laden tables fill that immense salon, while the four Hogwarts houses'banners hang from the enchanted ceiling.

Behind the gold reading desk, Dumbledore is standing, all proud and smiling.

Ron is still sleepy and doesn't understand what exactly is in his plate.

"Do you always need to eat? It's rude if not everyone has food on their plate!" Hermione scolds him.

"Have you been listening, Weasley? Your friend has said you are rude!" A voice comes from a table nearby, Draco Malfoy is laughing at the redhead boy, like he always does, even though his target is mostly Harry.

Draco has platinum blonde hair, grey-blue eyes and a disproportionate ego.

He is a pureblood Slytherin and does not mince words, that's for sure.

"Shut up Malfoy!" Harry says to him.

The headmaster interrupts the bickering.

"Students and Professors! My dear friends! I'm beyond happy to announce that a particularly dear pearson to me, will join us!"

Everyone looks around like someone should appear from somewhere, but that's not the case.

"My niece, has already been sorted, and with pleasure, I introduce to you the Slytherin Megan Cooper" the old wizard announces.

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