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«How does it feel when your body becomes cold, white, dull?

Like a dim rose that has lost all of its scarlet color.

Well, that's how I feel.

I am pale, empty, yes, but also numb to everything.

Almost as if I were under the influence of a hallucinogenic substance.

As muggles do to mentally escape from the surrounding reality.

An overdose of excruciating apathy.

Being dead, or almost dead, has changed me completely. I have spent the last few years in a hut with an old wizard who was trying to restore the vital functions of my dying body.

A body that until recently had been a beautiful rosy complexion, and in excellent shape. An innocent face, two light green eyes, copper hair.

That body that used to be me.

The delicate me who wore with simplicity and composure the school uniform of her own house, Gryffindor.

I had nothing to hide, I was a seventeen year old girl, I didn't drink, I didn't smoke, I had no particular vices.

I was myself.

Another me.

Death for me was a metamorphosis.

Now I feel different, completely different from the me of the past.

Now I have blonde hair, my face is covered in layers and layers of cosmetics that I didn't even dare touch before.

I don't wear anything that isn't very low cut or very short.

The uniform is no longer the same as before, but it doesn't matter, I don't use it anymore.

I have a cigarette between my lips and a glass of incendiary whisky in my left hand.

Smoking, alcohol and death have defined my personality.

And I like it.»



The sharp blade of a knife sinks into my flesh, piercing my pale throat. The last thing I see is that damned Slytherin's sneer, fading away.

My blood runs down my chest soiling the dress I'm wearing.

In vain I try to stay conscious, trying to stop the bleeding, but I pass out.

I open my eyes and notice that I am no longer at Hogwarts.

I am very tired, I feel like all my energy has been drained away by something.

I see a figure approaching the mattress I'm lying on.

It's the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.

His white beard reaches his knees and his expression is worried.

«Where am I?» I whisper, but I think he heard me anyway.

He smiles, handing me a cup containing a blue liquid. I don't know what it is but I drink it in one gulp.

I feel a slight pinch in my throat but nothing more.

«You're safe, Megan, safe.» the wizard says in a calm tone.

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