Driving to Art

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It was the day when Yatora was going to a holidaylike drawing for contest activity with his university friends. He gets out of home and sets off. Yatora thinks: I'm having a feeling like I'm forgetting something that even I cannot give a name at, but whatever...

He thought he got to meeting spot first but Yotasuke was waiting there as well.
Yatora: Hey, Yotasuke!
Yotasuke sees him and makes that slightly disgusted face which he usually does when he sees Yatora.
Yotasuke: Hey there.
Yatora: Soo, when do you think they're coming over?
Yotasuke: How can I know?
Yatora: Ok, nevermind.

A whole silence takes up the place' mood inside and both boys are not complaining about that since both doesn't have anything to share with each other. Just then, both notices a car which looks like a little bigger than a mini cooper. It stops next to them and one of its back doors open. Momoyo shows up there.

Momo: Did we keep you waiting so long? She asks this with a bright and gentle smile on her face and makes a body expression which symbolizes for them to come inside the car.

While both young man gets inside and takes their seats, Yatora says: Nah not really. I mean I wasn't expecting for you guys to have a car but thinking about our way untill the Hiroshima, now its reasonable.
Yotasuke: Thanks for having us. He says with a serious tone and face but blushes a little as well.

Hacchan, from the driver seat: It's no big deal. I think we'll have been arrived in 1 and half a day. That means we'll have to get a rest after driving a couple of hours.
Yatora: By that time, I think we can chit-chat if it's ok with you too Hacchan, since you're the one who drives the car.
Hacchan: Yup, it's fine. I'm experienced enough to not let anything make me distracted. So, go ahead if you'll open up a conversation. His face was relaxed and his tone was normal as always.

Yatora: Allright then- oh! When Yatora looks at the right side of him, he sees that Momoyo has already started sleeping. Just after that, he suddenly figures that car is not as loud as it originally should be. This leads to think him where Murai is.

Yatora: Where's Yakumo-san?
Hacchan: Oh, he's sleeping at the back since the beggining of the journey. Well, looks like Momo's sleeping too now.
Yatora turns his head to back of him to see Murai laying down there, scratching his belly, snoring in the most   annoying way. But it makes him remember the thing he thought he forgot about. It was Murai Yakumo. The last thing he saw in his dream last night was Murai's face which was looking at Yatora in the eye with a serious and even a kind expression. He was blue like all over the world Yatora saw and even painted into his first art.
He suddenly blushed so hard that he couldn't even hide it from the other two. 

Yatora's pov:

Ugh, it's just so stupid to see a person like Yakumo-san. I know that we can't control our subconscious but still, why is it have to be him?

He wanted to take a look at the messy haired guy again. After looking at his blessed but spoiled face for a brief time, he began to think about the countless times they had conversation or the times Murai helped him with his assignments.

The first time we met, the first thing I thought was: Man, getting along with him may be impossible at this or any point. But again, the reason for me to think like that was his fault anyways... At start, he said 'Out of everyone else, your self introduction was the best one which has left an impression on me, y'know, Yatora!' and then he was all like 'Yours was the most *flippant* one, yeah?' That was the only thing I needed to hear for to think bad about him. So from the very start, this relationship was obviously wrong.
But I think he's not a bad person in substance. He really did gave me his helping hand for many times. Even the times maybe he doesn't remember right now. He was just kinda there. Not only when I needed him, even the times when I wasn't looking for him. There was the time when he brought up his own group from his back in order to help our forced group at our Mikoshi. If it wasn't for him, we may not have had a Mikoshi that day. And I have to say this without being ashamed or anything: One of the most worth-living and happiest days of my life was that day. And there was that time too: When he gave me a speech at the time we were doing the mosaic art, he came up with 'our strengths' and got out with the 'skill gap between our strength and weaknesses to be natural'.

And one time, he said that he loved my piece which is from my self introduction. 'The instructors trashing it doesn't make it a bad painting.' This sentence actually left relaxed.

And last but not least: The first assignment of the year. I thought Yakumo-san was madly comfortable about everything and literally anything around him 'cause of how he insisted on going out for fishing when we only had 3 days untill deadline. But after fishing with him and Hachiro-san that day, I discovered that he was actually pretty smart when it comes to important things. Important things like art things. Plus: after the conversation he held with me that day, I started to get how his self confidence was pretty much like; Just like how towns are made from different layers, his self confidence was built on multiple layers. And I would like to hear the story behind it, very much actually...

Maybe after all this holiday thing, he'll explain it to me.

General pov:
Yatora thought all that during the way to Hiroshima. When he was just about to get out of his own head full of blue ideas, a voice came right into his ear: How old are you guys, Hachiro-san?

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