Sudden Decisions

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One of the school days again, when there was just 2 weeks above him to get a spring break. It was not such a light nor a dark aesthetic weather at that day, so it made Yatora to realize 'being specific doesn't have anything to do with how a person feels.' By even overthinking about that day's weather condition. By going in school building, the first ones he sees, again and again, that goom Murai and his group. Yatora thinks: Well, it's not surprising to see them of course, we're all in the same university. But for God's sake, why are they always the first ones I see everyday??

While going through things like these in his head, he doesn't even notice the bird tattooed boy jumps up on him until he actually does. Now that's what makes him surprise. Messy haired boy noisily starts talking to him: YATORAAA!! My man, how's it goin'??

"Ugh for God's sake Yakumo-san, you scared me!"
He said as he looked at him with shining eyes which are he wasn't meaning to give. And for just a one second, Murai didn't think of breaking that eye contact even if it's the end of the world.

Yatora's pov:

He's really so annoying when he acts like this and does these kind of things. I actually like him as a person: He's at least as hardworking as me, good at making strong presentations as himself. And pretty knowledgeable and has an upper understanding mind when it comes to art and its history. But still, I don't think I will like him because of his noisy, careless and high confident self. I mean, if he was a bit more mature or like, how can I put it in words... More disciplined about the life, I would like him even more. Very much actually... Definitely not in a romantic way, but not in a 'just school friends' postion as well.

"C'mon Yatora! Isn't it what best friends for? They surprise you when you're not waiting for it!" He smiled with a big grin on his face.

General pov:

"Yeah, sure..." Yatora looked rolling his eyes for a brief time.

"Hey, come on let's get to the oil painting classroom. We don't want to be late when there's only 2 weeks above us to en school this year." Hacchan said.

"That's right Yakumo! Stop attacking Yatora and start moving your ass!" Said Momoyo.

"Allright, allright let's just go..."

He moves away from Yatora and starts to walk with his 'stray like' group as well as Yatora.

After their studies and all oil painting lessons, Yatora has gone to the main corridor at the middle of school building to wander around.
Then he saw Yotasuke and wanted to say hi. He goes after him–as he always does actually–and by upraising his hand: Hi there, Yotasuke-kun!

Yatora gives attention to Yotasuke more than he does to anyone in university apart from because of their past or he's the only one he knows 'well', but he finds him sort of interesting and mysterious. He's just someone that he can't ever look at his face and say how does he feel or think about. He's always such a closed book if that's the right description for it.

Yotasuke turns to him with an irritated style to only say 'Hi...'

Yatora: Soo what are you up to? Are you going to eat something now that school is finished or just going to head to home? If you'd like to, we can eat together. Oh, if you're hungry of course!

Yatora feels so anxious or weird around Yotasuke that he generally can't stop his words.

Yotasuke said, with a calm voice as everytime: I was just going to head home today, but I saw this brochure at the main pano. (He points at it.)

Yatora gets the brochure at his hand to be able to get a better look at it.

Yatora: Oh, so there's a drawing competition huh? He sees the money prize beneath the competition paper and starts to think about all this even more seriously. Even though Yatora's a university student now, his family cannot always give him money for every art supplement or material, not to talk about their high prices...

Suddenly, as always, Murai shows up with the other two and gets the brochure from Yatora's hand in two ticks.

Murai: Ohh, so you're actually thinking about being a part of this fraudulent competition huh, Yatora!"
Yatora: What the-where did you even come from again??"

Hachiro and Momoyo at the back, coming over while greeting them.

"How can you even know it can be tricky? Even though it is, I still need this money anyways. Everything is too expensive now, you know."

Hachiro talks before Murai can even say anything: Yakumo's actually right about it Yatora. These kind of competition are only for the audiences to have fun or things like that if you get what I mean. That's why it won't be hard for them to be tricky in it.

"I see... Well then, do you have any other idea in order to earn some money by making art?"

Yatora looks at him with an enormous smile again, flipping the paper's back by the time, showing it to Yatora and saying: Yeah, I do. It's Japan art!
On the paper's back, it says; JAPAN ART. Last joining date: 19th April.

Yatora looked at it carefully to see how much of a bigger money prize they're giving to winners. He couldn't believe his eyes.

Murai: It's your own choices at the end of the day. But I could assure you about this one. It's not an opportunity to turn down. And specifically for the art students whose are broke like us. But it's still good to see you so motivated. Yatora-kun, Takahashi-kun.

Momoyo: I hate to agree with Yakumo, but he's right in this.
Murai: Aww you love meee!

Yatora and Yotasuke both decided it in one second without even talking to each other.

Yatora: The-There's a much better prize money, so...
He said by blushing with the thought of Murai's right.

Murai: Okay then, it's decided.
Hacchan: Oh. By the way, before leaving you two. We were thinking of visiting Hiroshima and go to Momo's parents hot tube bussiness house for after 2 weeks for 1 week or something like that. But at the same time, we're going there for working on this contest. We are thinking it can be a good idea for having our vacation while drawing and stuff. So, do you two want to come over with us? Hachiro talked like an actual adult.

Momo: Uh-huh, my parent would be happy to see my new friends anytime!
Murai: Yeah, sounds great! You should come over with us. It can be fun and games and making new art pieces!

Yatora wasn't sure about it because he wasn't expecting an invitation like this from them.
Yatora: Well, uhm I need to thi-
Murai: Well done then, you're coming with us!
Yatora: Eh, I didn't even think about it yet!
Yotasuke: I'm fine with it.

And so, it happened like that. Yatora could only hope it to be useful for his work and stuff.

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