So when the sun started to rise, now free from bears and wolves the stronger woman took care of alone as Gwen held back, she had been elated. Stepping into the city while the sun rose, Gwen couldn't help but admire it. It was a odd feeling. She watched the woman go into the barb, clearly tired from the travel. She had to appreciate her knowing the kill wasn't going anywhere. Exhaustion hit her all at once the moment she reached the railing near the inn.

She leaned on the wood, nearly collapsing. It had been a while since she slept, a few days. She had wrongfully assumed that this would be it, after accepting the contract from the boy she might just be able to pass out in Candlehearth. She was unable to feel comfortable enough in that city, but even this might not have worked. Walking all night while being hyper aware of how she was perceived was far too much. It took a lot out of you. Her heavy eyes closed, her body nearly crumpled as she was slipping. "Whoa, whoa..." She heard a muffled voice.

She looked up to a woman with blond hair, trying to charm her with a smile. She was helping Gweneith to her feet, but the woman was having trouble lifting her. "Damn you're heavy." She grunts. "I don't know if I can get you to the Bee... Will you be okay here for a moment by yourself?"

Gwen looked to the woman who tried to turn, her hand darted out, gripping the woman's wrist. "Give... Give me the coin purse back."

"Huh?" She looked to Gwen with a lost expression in her eyes. "I'm just going to get some help. Hang here until I come back."

"You took my measly little coin purse... I felt it when you helped me up." She locked eyes with the woman who appeared to be standing her ground.

"Vex..." Another voice joined the scene that was unfolding. It was not a loud scene, not even attracting people watching. Gwen shook her head, trying to keep herself locked on the situation. "I know you did it. You know you did it, the girl knows you did it. How much?"

Vex grits her teeth, looking to the man and scoffed. Gweneith glanced to him, finally realizing that it was Brynjolf. She relaxed just a little, her eyes getting heavy. "It was only five gold..."

Brynjolf shook his head, walking to her side and helping her to stand. "Hey, lass. Didn't think I'd see you again this soon." She gave him a sheepish smile. "Vex this is Gweneith. I told you about her, right?"

"Oh... This is her?" She commented with her eyes rolling. She reluctantly fished the purse out and held it to her. "You made this gold while working with us. Here... Take it."

"It..." She took the purse. "It's not a big deal. If I'd known you were in the guild I probably wouldn't have said anything. It is in your nature."

"No... You'd be a fool not to say anything. I'm surprised you noticed."

"Well..." She chuckled. "You're a Nord woman... Unless you wanted to walk on the wild side you were definitely picking my pocket." She watched Vex look to Brynjolf with a pleased grin.

"We should get her to the Bee, Brynjolf." Vex pointed with a thumb over her shoulder.

"No!" She cleared her throat, looking the Brynjolf in a bit of panic. "I... I need sleep but... I'm going to go camp outside. I can't go to the Bee, not right now." She leaned in a little, eyes locked with his. After a moment his edged open further and he nodded.

"I got ya, lass. But camp? Can you even make camp right now?" The question perplexed her, before the woman tried to stand up on her own. Her knees wobbled and she fell back on his frame. She groaned lightly, her eyes closing painfully slow. "Vex, she's going to pass out. I'm going to take her to the guild."

"Really? Special to you?" She placed a hand on her hip. "Amazing. Just like him, huh?"

"If that's what you wanna see, I can't stop you." He shook his head. "But she needs our help. Would you really shun her?" Vex shook her head, not that Gweneith noticed. The poor girl was  clearly on the verge of passing out, head down. Brynjolf looked to her, his brows curved up. Vex sighed, then walked to his side. Both of them together lifted her into his arms, the man now carrying her carefully. Her head fell to the side and Vex pushed it onto his chest, unable to help the vague smile on her lips. "Thank you."

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