☾ Shopping ☽

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"Pleeeeassse?" Wylan begged, trying to get Jesper out of bed, "You promised."

"No, I distinctively remember saying maybe," Jesper smirked at his boyfriend's excitement.

"Please? I'll pay for everything, I promise. I just want to go out with you," Wylan pouted.

"Why can't we stay in here? We can have a romantic evening, but inside," Jesper raised his eyebrows, like he had made the best discovery of the century. 

Wylan leaned down to kiss him and smiled, "It's okay if you don't want to come, I would've just liked to spend time with my own boyfriend. I'll go alone then, I don't mind."

Jesper kissed him back then responded, "But I wanted to hang out with you!"

"Yes, but I said yesterday night that I would go shopping. I need new clothes, that's all," Wylan smiled again, before standing up and walking over to his closet. He pulled out a few pieces of clothing and started to get undressed. Jesper looked over and smirked as Wylan's face became the one colour Kaz was allergic to. Jesper chuckled as he too, stood up and walked over to his boyfriend. 

"Wy, darling, we've been together for 3 years, I'm very okay with seeing you undressed. I have many times already," Jesper smiled, cupping Wylan's face in his hands. 

Wylan smiled his famous upside down smile, blushing furiously, "Yes, but still. I don't know, you might still think I'm ugly or something."

"If I ever say that you're ugly, you shoot me in the head, for fear I've gone insane, alright?"

"But you just said it, love," Wylan teased. 

Jesper chuckled, and held Wylan close to his own body, "Saints, I love you Wylan. You remember that, alright? You remember that forever."

Wylan hugged him back, but stayed in his arm for a while, liking the place they were in, "If I do, you shoot me."

"I could never," Jesper placed two fingers on Wylan's chin, bringing it up to place his own lips on his. 

Wylan smiled into the kiss, pushing his head forward, but after a few moments he let go, "I've got to go, there's supposedly a sale at one of the clothes shops down in the central part of Ketterdam. 50 percent off all trousers, I think."

Jesper grabbed Wylan's waist gently, "Oh, I'd like them more 100 percent off."

Wylan rolled his eyes, "You can't get clothes for free, Jes. Even you should know this." 

Wylan walked back to where he had started to get dressed and slowly took off his shirt. He looked around his closet for a few seconds and then placed a flowy white blouse on top of his bare chest. He then placed a soft brown vest on the blouse along with some necklaces laying around the floor due to last night's events. Wylan giggled as Jesper caught him again by the waist. 

"I'll come with you, if that's what you'd really like," Jesper smiled.

Wylan squinted, suspicious, but still had a smile upon his face, "Why the sudden change of heart?"

"Well, if you went, then I would be here alone and that would be incredibly boring. I mean, I am amazing, but I'd rather amazing with you then on my own. And I also know that it would make you incredibly happy if I went, so a few hours couldn't hurt," Jesper explained, moving his eyes along with his words, which he had picked up from Wylan. 

Wylan chuckled and placed a small kiss on Jesper's cheek, "We can watch a movie tonight, if you like. And thank you, it would make me incredibly happy, yes."

Both men got ready to go, putting on their clothes and pulling a bag on each of their shoulders. Jesper and Wylan walked hand in hand towards the best shopping centre in Ketterdam. They stopped along the way to buy some waffles for Nina and Matthias, a candle for Kaz and some roasted peanuts for Inej. They had also stopped to buy Wylan's favourite snack, Stroopwaffles. Wylan happily ate his snack as Jesper continued to "steal" some from him the entire time, which made his boyfriend laugh every time, but he never once stopped him from taking some. 

Once they had both arrived at the the first shop, Wylan instantly had many bottles in his hands. His smile was so wide, Jesper was afraid his cheeks would burst. 

"Wy, I thought you said we were shopping for clothes," Jesper wondered. 

"We are, I just need a few more things for my lab," Wylan beamed, still searched around the shop fro anything he didn't already have.

Jesper pecked his boyfriend on the head, Wylan's hair tickling his face, making him hum in contentment. Wylan then placed the bottles carefully onto the shopkeepers desk, letting them observe what he had taken. 

"Explosives, huh?" the shopkeeper wondered aloud, placing stickers on the bottles to warn people using them that they could be deadly. 

"Hmm? Oh, uh yes. I mean, no, I am just a chemist," Wylan wrung his hands together.

"Hmm," the shopkeeper hummed before demanding the price of the multiple bottles he had gotten. Right before Wylan could even take out his wallet, Jesper placed a few coins onto the desk, and picked up the bottles, giving them to Wylan, who was just standing there, speechless. 

"Wha- But I thought I was paying. You really didn't have to, I could've paid," Wylan bargained. 

"No, you said you wanted to pay for the clothes, these aren't clothes," Jesper said, with a proud smile along his face. 

Wylan giggled as he set down his bad to gently place all the chemicals neatly into the bag, "You are a fool, Jesper Fahey."

"Yeah, but I'm your fool, Wylan Van Sunshine, so it doesn't really matter, now does it?" Jesper teased, bringing his lips against Wylan's once he was done with his bag. The kiss lasted only a few moments, but to Wylan and Jesper, it meant the world. One kiss could set Wylan's entire body on fire, even if they had been kissing for nearly 3 years of time. 

Wylan and Jesper stayed hand in hand all day long, shopping for clothes, and other object that weren't very necessary, but they didn't mind. They were happy and that was all that mattered. 

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