Chapter 3

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The gang was now shown to be near the Bethesda Fountain in Central Park, searching for the two other clues. 

"It's almost time for my audition!" Josh said. "We need to find a clue so I can find that theater, and fast!" 

"Don't worry Josh, we're gonna find where your audition's at" Brock assured.

 "Failure is not an option" Kali declared. 

"Hey!" Cynthia just realized something and turned to Blue, asking. "How come you don't just plaster the answers to your clues?"

"Bow bow" The blue puppy only shrugged her shoulders. 

Cynthia then noticed how the Akids were looking at her. "What? I'm just saying it would be a real time saver" She defended. 

The Akids rolled their eyes when suddely Ann gasped. 

"A clue!" She pointed out. 

"Exactly! I need to find a clue!" Josh said, not paying attention.

Cynthia sighed before she turned Josh around this time. That's when everyone saw the blue paw print on rainbow curtains to a puppet theater. 

"Oh!" Josh now saw the clue. 

"Rainbow curtains is our second clue!" David said. 

"You know, you are good" Josh told Ann, making her blush. 

"Bow bow bow bow!" Blue agreed.

"We better write it down" Teeders said. 

"I'm on it!" Brock brought out his sketch book, taking a turn to write the clue down. 

"Great job, guys" Kali told her team. "Now all we need is one more clue then Josh can get to his audition"

"Bow bow!" Blue barked while the Akids now looked more eager than ever to find that last clue.

"Come on!" David led the gang. 

The kids, man, and blue puppy ran around the fountain, coming across a unique looking band who were playing a familar tune. They decided to stop and listen in while Blue danced to the music. 

"All right!" The Akids and Josh applauded. 

"That was wonderful!" Ann beamed. 

"Oh! Wait!" Josh then remembered. "We need to find that last clue or I can't get to the theater in time!"

"Bow bow" Blue frowned. 

"Oh, where could that last clue be?' Brock thought. 

The gang then saw a man in a hat approach them, who appeared to be a rapper. 

"What's up, Josh? Hey, Blue" He greeted, giving Josh and Blue fistbumps. "My name's Taboo"

"Oh. Hi, Taboo" Josh greeted. 

"Nice to meet you" Kali smiled. "We're the Adventure Kids"

Josh was happy to meet another new friend but soon became lost in thought as he looked around nervously. Taboo seemed to know that something was wrong. 

"Hey, Josh? Is everything okay?" The rapper asked him. 

Josh looked back to Taboo, explaining. "We came to New York for my big audition, but then I lost my handy-dandy notebook, so I don't know where I'm supposed to be, and it's all making me really, really, really nervous"

"It's all good, dude. I got you" Taboo assured him. "I'm gonna help you with that"

"You're really gonna help me find my audition?" Josh smiled hopefully. 

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