There in the crowd stood a young man who looked to be of Asian Amercian descent, wearing a blue striped shirt. The Adventure Kids had never seen this man before, and they knew quite a lot of people in New York. 

But more importantly, their minds were blown by what they saw besides the man. Was that a... blue dog? 

David rubbed his eyes, doing a 2nd take and was still seeing the blue dog. 

"Am I on drugs?" He asked. 

"I thought you always were" Cynthia mumbled. 

Ann struggled to get her words out while the gang was still frozen in awe. "It's... Blue! From Blue's Clues!"

"But it can't be" Teeders said in disbelief. "It's impossible"

"I thought she was just a made up character from the television world" Cynthia added. 

"But if that really is Blue then what's she doing here? And who's that with her?" Brock pointed at the man with Blue. 

The Akids had remembered the original hosts from Blue's Clues, Steve and Joe. But they did not recognize this man. 

"Let's go find out" Kali said, walking towards Blue and the man. 

"Kali NOOO!" Cynthia tried stopping her but tripped and fell on her face. 

"How's that floor tasting for ya, Cynth?" Brock joked as he and Ann snickered, enjoying the fashionista's misfortune more than anything. 

David offered to help Cynthia up but she quickly slapped his hand, getting him to back off. 

As Kali approached the man, she heard him say to Blue. 

"Blue, we are definitely not in Storybook World anymore"

"Excuse me" Kali tapped on the man's shoulder. 

The man turned around and smiled. "Oh, hello"

"My friends and I here couldn't help but notice, you look like you could use some help" Kali said as the rest of the Akids came up behind her. 

"Oh, yeah" The man rubbed the back of his neck. "It's our first time in New York City"

"Bow bow bow bow" Blue barked in response. 

But the Akids just stared down at the unusual blue puppy in confusion, as they couldn't understand her barks. 

"I'm Kali" The adventure girl introduced herself. "And these are the Adventure Kids"

"Hi. Hello. Hey, how you doing? Sup" Brock, Ann, Teeders, Cynthia and David all waved to Blue and the man. 

The man smiled. "Nice to meet you. I'm Josh"

"Bow bow" Blue introduced herself. 

"Hey, totally random question" Brock started, asking Josh. "But if you know Blue, then you must know Steve and Joe right?"

"Yes, they're my cousins. They left me incharge to take care of Blue" Josh explained. 

"Ohhhh" The Akids said, now putting the pieces together. 

"Now that makes sense" Cynthia said into the fourth wall. 

"So, what's a couple of colorful people like you doing here in The Big Apple?" David asked the characters from the television world. 

"Oh, well I came here for my audition. You see, it's been my dream to be in a broadway show ever since I was a kid" Josh explained to the adventure kids. 

"Wow, I guess you must really love to sing" Teeders said. 

"But don't you need to know where you're going for that?" Ann asked. 

The Adventure Kids Play Blue's CluesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz