Chapter 99: True Conviction

Start from the beginning


I take a deep breath once I'm up on my feet. Getting away from the game for a while definitely helped my motivation. Now if I can translate it into the game, I'm sure I won't choke again. I wish I can level up my [Swordsmanship] right now, but I have to remember Veritates's words. If I want to conquer myself, I have to strengthen my heart more than my sword first.

I know who my first opponent will be. I open the door to my left and step inside where the animated armor of the general awaits.

[We meet again, Wind,] General Veritates greets me. [It seems like your loss didn't seem to impede your determination to pass the [Test of Courage].]

"That's right!" I declare as I pull out my [Sapphire Sword] and point the blade at my opponent. "I have to admit. You've got me good in the first battle, but I'm not gonna make the same mistake with my overconfidence! I'm going to pass the trials and I'll make sure you won't be laughing very soon!"

As soon as I declare my rematch, I see the general get up from his throne and pick up his large claymore. [Hmph! Strong words for a mere half. But tell me this. Have you found the aspirations for your future? I won't hear any more excuses unless you wish for another painless death.]

Right. I need to answer that first before moving forward. "Yes, I have," I say confidently. "And I choose..."

[Uh huh...]

I take a deep breath for a while and smiled as I give out my answer.


The animated armor almost drops his claymore when he hears my answer. [...You're serious, right?]

Yeah, I get it. It's a stupid answer. But it's not just to throw the general off-guard.

"Yeah, I'm very serious. I have no goals for the future right now, but that doesn't mean I have to be hasty in finding one. Sure, taking care of Kazuki and going on adventures with him sounds like a half-ass excuse. But I can't spend my whole life thinking about what I could have done in the past or what I want to be in the future. I want to focus on the present first so I can find what I really want. It's not a perfect solution, but it's progress. And until I find my answer..."

I assume my position with both of my hands on my sword's grip and finish, "Living the way I want for my friends and myself is my true conviction in life!"

I was a bit embarrassed when I replayed those words in my head. But now that I've said them out loud, I'm not embarrassed anymore. In fact, I'm even more pumped to finish this [Quest] and win the rematch! The only thing left is to see how will General Veritates react to my speech. He seems way awfully quiet...


I flinch when I hear this. That's...not what I expected to see from an undead general at all.

[Brilliant! It seems like that loss wasn't for nothing after all! I'm a little surprised at your answer, but it all makes sense from your viewpoint! Even with nothing, that doesn't mean you will never have any conviction to move forward.] Veritates declares with a loud boom in his voice. [Terrific! That's what I want to see a worthy warrior shining in the face of adversity and hardships! Now let's see if you can prove your words with action!]


[You are only allowed to use [Sword] weapons for this battle. Any other weapons and [Masteries] are restricted until the end of the battle.]

There it is. The notice signals the start of our rematch. This time, I'm not going to focus on stats or any game mechanics. This will be the test of my convictions and there is no way I'm letting this laughing general get the better of me again!

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