"We're discussing my husband and I's divorce, dear." Ursula smirked, taking a sip of her tea. You and Ursula's boyfriend exchanged a glance. Black stayed silent as he watched Ursula pull out some legal documents. 

"What's your name?" You ask Ursula's boyfriend. He was very tall with light brown hair and yellow eyes. He definitely stood out amongst other wizards you met. 

"Kreacher Helga." He replied with a smile. A very odd name, but you were used to that in the wizarding world. 

"Pleasure to meet you Kreacher." You extended your hand to him. He took it with a chuckle. 

"And what is your name?" 

"Y/N L/N." You reply, looking to Black. He wasn't even paying attention to Ursula as he stared coldly at Kreacher. 

"What's with the..." Kreacher gestured to the cracks on your body. 

"Long story." 

"I see." 

Black glared at Kreacher before Ursula tugged on his arm. 

"Did you agree to the kid's arrangement?" She asked with the largest smile known to mankind. Black reluctantly nodded. 

"Shouldn't a lawyer be present." Black hissed, placing a hand to his head. 

"When we sign the documents, of course." Ursula said. 

"I feel like one should be here." 

"Well there isn't." The two continued back and forth as Kreacher and you watched with frowns. 

"I'm so sorry about all this." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Ursula can be nice when she wants to be. Believe me, I would know." 

"It's alright. I say the same thing about Black all the time at school." You reply. 

"You're still in school?" He asked, worriedly. 

"7th year." 

"18 I hope." 

"Of course."

"Do you enjoy school?" 

"More than my home life...if I had one." 



"Not anymore. You're 18. You're an adult." He frowned. You hadn't thought about that. You were in charge of your life now. Where were you going to stay? 

"Right..." You sip the tea that Ursula had poured for you. Her and Black were basically having a spitting match now. 

"You know..." Kreacher whispered, "It seems Ursula and Black aren't as different as they like to portray."  

"What do you mean?" 

"Both her and Phineas are having an affair. Both of them are self-centered and short tempered. Both of them are obsessed with blood purity--" 

"That's just how they were raised. They can't control their beliefs in a family like the Blacks. They would be exiled." You frown. 

"That would be better than being that family. I almost forgot to ask, do you have pure blood?" Kreacher smirked. This man had just pulled a 180 on you and you didn't know if you could trust him. 

"Why does that matter to you? Once Ursula is divorced she will not be apart of the Black family anymore. Her blood status will not matter to you. She may have pure blood, but I doubt you are half as important as the Blacks." You hiss at him. Kreacher just chuckled. 

"But it will matter to you. If Phineas chooses you as his bride...he will be ruined. He will be the exile. He can not escape the family he was born into. You will be his downfall and in his downfall he will drag you with him." You felt a hand touch your shoulder. Black smiled at you as he leaned over your shoulder. 

"I think it is best we leave now." He whispered in your ear. 

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Kreacher." You nod to him. He nodded back, turning to Ursula. You and Black walked a few feet away from the couple. Each step was painful, but Black didn't seem to notice. He kept looking behind him. "Is everything alright?" 

"Something is off." He whispered. 

"Miss Y/N." Kreacher called from behind you. Black whipped around and his face turned into complete fear. You look at him confused. You turn and see Ursula on the ground in front of Kreacher. His skin slowly began to crack and his eyes changed to the familiar blue. His hair became darker and a sinister smile appeared on his face. 

"Cornelius..." You say. "I should have known."


I had a power outage so this chapter is a date later than I wanted it to be. 

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