Request granted

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It took him a few hours but Melvin finished the robot and brought it to the gym of his high school. "Here's the robot you requested. It should help with all of the decorating.

Harold smiled and hugged Melvin, causing the males freckled cheeks to darken "Thank you so much Mel! Hey!" He pulled back and held the others shoulders "how about you stay? You don't have to help, but just, hang out with us" He suggested. Melvin thought for a moment then nodded "sure, I'll stick around.. J-Just to make sure you don't wreck my robot." He said and pulled from Harolds grasp, sitting down in a near by seat.

Harold smiled once again and went over to his best friend, they then along with the robot began decorating with, to quote Harold "rainbows, pride flags, the whole shabang." Melvin watched and was quite impressed with how well his creation was doing. His attention then drifted to Harold, he examined the blonde 'Hair still as fluffy as elementary school... He changed his striped shirt for a green hoodie, interesting. Still the same colored shorts, no socks and same style of shoes. Didn't change much hm.' He thought as he examined the blonde. He then looked into his eyes

'and me..' He didn't notice that Harold had caught him staring till he said "Hey Melvin, you're, staring.." The ginger then immediately averted his gaze, his face glowing red with embarrassment. 'Crap crap crap-' is all he could think. Luckily for his sake Harold just continued decorating.

George took a brake and went over to Melvin "sooo, you got a crush on my best friend." He crossed one leg over the other as he spoke.

"W-What- no- I don't have a crush on Harold-" Melvin said quickly and quietly, fearing the subject of their conversation might overhear. If it possibly could his face grew redder at the suggestion. "Mhm. And I don't wear a tie everyday." George said sarcastically.

".. Okay and so what if I did? It's not like he could ever like me.." He looked away rubbing his arm. "You don't know that" George said, feeling a bit defensive of his best friend.

".. And if he did like me back.." Melvin sighed "I have a secret. I.. I'm.. I'm trans... And I'm terrified that if he finds out, he won't see me as a real man and won't like me anymore.."

"Hey." George sat up straight "Harold doesn't care. Trans or not your still a guy. We both believe that.. You should ask him to the dance. Believe me, I think he'll say yes." He then got up and went back to decorating, leaving Melvin alone to think about everything.

Word count: 454

Harold x MelvinWhere stories live. Discover now