The Flash Vs Reverse Flash

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" Kara your not going" Barry Said walking out of the DEO " I can take care of myself you helped me let me return the favor and take care of your mothers killer" Kara told him taking his Hand Barry was hesitant but said," Fine But Promise Me if he escapes you let me stop him don't interact with him please promise me Kara" Barry said and Kara Nods " I Promise" Kara.

Barry Then punches through the Dimensional barrier And grabs Kara and goes through it and  is in the basement of Star Labs " Welcome to Star Labs Kara AKA Team Flash headquarters" Barry says and Kara just looked around.

Barry Leaves To the Cortex with Kara following him " Hey guys I'm back" Barry said running in " Damm I thought you be on Karas Earth for a day before you came back" Cisco said getting scared .

" Wait I was on her earth for a couple days though umm.. Never mind hows Thawne" Barry says " He just in his Cell he woke up an Hour ago" Caitlin said.

Then Kara runs in " Heyyy" Kara said " Umm Guys meet Kara Zor-el or known on her Earth Supergirl my Girlfriend" Barry Announced.

Everyone started waving " Kara Meet Cisco he one of my best friends" Barry said " Nice to meet you Kara finally you have a girlfriend Barry" Cisco said Shaking Kara's hand. " Nice to Meet you too" Kara says and Barry gives him the shut up look.

"Nice to Meet you Kara I'm Caitlin and Barry talks about you a lot" Caitlin says introducing her self and Kara smiles and says," I Hope So".

" I'm gonna talk to Thawne stay here Kara" Barry said leaving " Welcome back Barry" Thawne said getting up Barry just said nothing " Lets continue where we left off  about you taking me home" Thawne says.

" Why would I ever help you?" Barry asked " Because.. Barry Allen if you give me what I want I'm gonna give you what you can go back and save your mother you can prevent your father from going to prison you can reunite the Allen family" Thawne tells Barry. Barry started to nod his head no " I WANT TO KILL YOU RIGHT NOW" Barry yelled Hitting the glass of the cell " I know that rage I used to Feel that rage EveryTime I looked upon you and now somehow" Thawne said slowly.

" I Know what Joe and Henry feel when they look on you with pride, with love" Thawne said looking Barry straight in the eyes Barry then Bangs the Glass and yells," NO DONT YOU EVER SAY THAT TO ME!" with Barry eyes glowing blue and his voice getting deeper.

Thawne was surprised at what he just saw and walked closer to Barry through the glass " I know you upset but I'm giving you a chance I'm giving you a chance to undo the Evil I've done" Thawne says and started to notice his hand started to crack with blue and Barry Looked At Thawne with Hatred and Holding back to turn into the his creature self Kara saw how much hate he has for his mother killer and wanted to help him take him down.

Barry goes into the cortex and explains what Thawne told him " If I go back to save my mom my Dad doesn't go to prison I never live with Joe and Iris And.." Barry says looking at the ground " And I.. never.. meet.. Kara" Barry  said sounding hurt and looks At Kara.

" You might never meet me or Caitlin or Ronnie" Cisco adds Barry looks At Joe and Kara " There's no choice here Barry You Have to do this You gotta change the past" Joe said leaving and Barry chases after him.

" Joe?! So what, thats it? You think I should just do it?" Barry Asked  " Yeah I do" Joe answered " Which means I will never come to live with you and your okay with that?" Barry said. " Barry You Get the chance to grow up with both parents you don't have to grow up without a mother" Joe tells him " What about growing up without a father?" Barry asked " You will have a father a real Father Wells has messed with ours lives Long Enough this is why you became The Flash, Barry You saved a lot of people Lives this Past 2 years Now it's time to Save yours" Joe says with Barry shedding a tear.

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