Sunsets (I wanna hear your voice)

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Hi there, I wanted to give a trigger warning for suicide and a spoiler warning for part seven.

Numb, all he felt was numb, not even his horse could cheer him up. Everything around him somehow reminded him of his lost one. The one he's spent so many days with. They fought their enemies during the daylight, but when they were alone, they would sneak in a few kisses and cuddles, it was the beauty of having the chance of being caught. His partner in crime. His best friend. His life saver.

His Gyro.

Johnny had woken up and stared at the ceiling, blanking out into nothingness. This was now his third day just laying in bed, eyes bloodshot, and his body as skinny as ever. The wool blanket covering the blonde's frail body reminded him of Gyro's stubble when they would kiss, and how Johnny would tell him to shave cleaner if he was going to have a weird beard.

The ceiling, oh the ceiling. It reminded him too well of his blonde hair. The hair Johnny would brush through with his fingers to help him fall asleep. Johnny could feel the tears welling up in his eyes, he told himself he was done crying, but he knew he lied to himself from the start of that thought.

"Oh God, why did you have to take him!" The boy screamed. He didn't care who heard his screams and pleads for his love to come back. He was truly heartbroken, his whole world shattered. Gyro was his world, the only person he'd been able to truly call home due to his childhood situation. "Please bring him back,' he sobbed, "please bring him back!" He was choking and screaming. His pillows were covered in tear stains, this breakdown adding a fresh stain.

Johnny grabbed the pillow next to him and started to punch it and kick it, he was angry, shocked, upset, he was feeling everything all at once. He couldn't take the emotions all together. He let go the most blood curdling scream he could and started sobbing even harder. One listening could think Johnny was being stabbed in the chest 30 times, but the pain he was feeling was far worse than that. "Why," he croaked out, "why me, why him, he deserved to live, he was the best man, I won't ever be able to find another Gyro. I hate you, whoever you are in the sky, I want my Gyro back."

One could say Lucy Steel was worried, but in reality worried was an understatement. She was extremely concerned, her brotherly figure. Lucy knew she had to do something to help Johnny, she couldn't bear to see him like this. She had lost people she loved before and knew how hard it was to deal with the pain, but she couldn't imagine what it was like for Johnny, who had lost the love of his life. Lucy took a deep breath and decided to take matters into her own hands. She knew Johnny's horse was still in the stable, so she saddled it up and rode over to his house. She knocked on the door, but there was no answer. She tried calling his name, but still, there was no response.

Lucy knew she had to get inside, so she searched for a spare key that Johnny had given her years ago. After a few minutes of searching, she found it and let herself in.

What she saw inside broke her heart even more. The house was dark, the curtains were drawn, and everything was a mess. It was clear that Johnny hadn't moved from his bed in days. Lucy made her way to his room and saw him lying there, eyes closed, tears still rolling down his cheeks.

She sat on the bed next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Johnny, I'm here," she said softly. He didn't respond, but Lucy didn't give up. She knew she had to do something to snap him out of this state.

"Johnny, you have to get up," she said firmly. "You can't stay in bed forever. Gyro wouldn't want that for you."

At the sound of his name, Johnny's eyes slowly opened. He looked up at Lucy, and for a moment, it seemed like he didn't recognize her. But then, he blinked a few times and sat up slowly.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I didn't mean to worry you."

Lucy hugged him tightly. "It's okay," she said. "We're here for you."

Over the next few days, Lucy stayed with Johnny, helping him clean up the house and get back on his feet. They talked about Gyro, shared memories, and cried together. It wasn't easy, but Johnny knew that he had to keep moving forward, and he had his friends by his side to help him do it.

But even with his friends by his side, Johnny still felt the weight of his loss. He couldn't bear to look at anything that reminded him of Gyro without feeling a wave of sadness wash over him. He tried to distract himself with work, but his heart wasn't in it anymore. Everything felt empty without Gyro.

As the weeks passed, Johnny started to withdraw from his friends once more. He stopped taking care of himself, his house, and even his horse. His grief consumed him, and he felt like he was drowning in it.
One night, Johnny found himself standing at the edge of a cliff, looking down at the rocks below. The rocky river below was crashing, it was about as numb as Johnny was. He wasn't sure what had brought him there, but he knew it was for one reason. All he could think about was how much he missed Gyro and how he didn't want to live without him.

Without a second thought, Johnny stepped forward and let himself fall. The fall was what one could describe as graceful. He fell head first, letting his body go limp. A few tears had left his eyes as he fell. The initial impact didn't kill him, but it sure left a nasty gash in his face. The face that was once kissed by Gyro and caressed by him. He was too weak to swim to the surface of the wild rapids that were once just below him a few moments ago. He had given up, he knew he'd find Gyro in the afterlife.

The next day Lucy had gotten the devastating news from Hot Pants. She started sobbing, the only family figure she'd had left was gone, forever. Hot pants felt bad for the kid, offering her a spot in her own home for a bit to grieve. Lucy had agreed, getting the comfort she needed from Hot Pants and Diego.

Lucy had wished that she would've been able to do the same thing for Johnny, maybe then he'd still be here. For now, all she wishes is for the two cowboys to be reunited in the afterlife.

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