20: Musical Momentum 🎶

Start from the beginning

Cupid-San🏹: There. Now let's go find a recording studio to turn this embarrassing part of our lives into music.
Seen ✔ 3:10p.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: Better yet, let's make a movie and use these as soundtracks.
Seen ✔ 3:12p.m.

Cupid-San🏹: The amount of entertainment I would find in seeing you turn into cake mix sounds very intriguing.
Seen ✔ 3:12p.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: Almost as interesting as seeing you use a wheelchair as a go-kart. I'm gonna tie you to a chair and strap a slice of bread to your lips, one day.
Seen ✔ 3:13p.m.

Cupid-San🏹: If you do that, the chances of me living after that are very high. All I have to do is say "Room!" and I'll break free.
Seen ✔ 3:14p.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: In order to say 'room', you need to open your mouth. You'll end up taking a bite of that bread one way or another 😉
Seen ✔ 3:15p.m.

Cupid-San🏹: The mere thought of that sends shivers down my spine. Make it stop.
Seen ✔ 3:15p.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: Bread.
Seen ✔ 3:15p.m.

Cupid-San🏹: Not funny!
Seen ✔ 3:15p.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: Sorry...
Seen ✔ 3:15p.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: 🍞
Seen ✔ 3:16p.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: How's that?
Seen ✔ 3:16p.m.

Cupid-San🏹: Worse.
Seen ✔ 3:17p.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: I see...
Seen ✔ 3:17p.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: Torao, I feel funny.
Seen ✔ 3:26p.m.

Cupid-San🏹: In a comedic type of way, or in a serious type of way?
Seen ✔ 3:26p.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: In a serious type of way. My head's been hurting since yesterday.
Seen ✔ 3:27p.m.

Cupid-San🏹: Do you think it has something to do with the injury you gave yourself?
Seen ✔ 3:27p.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: I think so. I feel very weird...
Seen ✔ 3:28p.m.

Cupid-San🏹: Check for a fever, Sanji-ya.
Seen ✔ 3:28p.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: I can't.
Seen ✔ 3:28p.m.

Cupid-San🏹: Why not? Want me to check it for you then?
Seen ✔ 3:28p.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: It's happening... It's starting!
Seen ✔ 3:28p.m.

Cupid-San🏹: What is??
Seen ✔ 3:28p.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: Run while you can!
Seen ✔ 3:28p.m.

Cupid-San🏹: From what?
Seen ✔ 3:29p.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: From me! I'm turning into a zombie, Law!!
Seen ✔ 3:40p.m.

Cupid-San🏹: Are you sure you just sliced your forehead and didn't completely whack your head against something?
Seen ✔ 3:40p.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: I warned you...
Seen ✔ 3:40p.m.

[New Snap]

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