Chapter 1: worth listening too {???(angst)}

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TW: yelling, violence, being ignored, the concept of fading / someone leaving (I think thats it but I've been wrong before tell me if theres anything to add)

He threw the clothes across the room as he practically tore apart his room, he needed to find where had he put it. He was about to throw something in his frustration when it dawned on him, the others knew about him now. Surely he couldn't expect them to just leave him alone now that he'd been revealed to them.

He threw open his door with the same force as before, starting to make his way towards Remus' room. The chaotic side had no sense of self-control nor did he have any self-preservation; he was the most likely to come into his room and take it. Not to mention he was already a darkside so he wouldn't have any issues going to this side of the mind palace.

"REMUS!" He yelled as he walked up to the green door that was inexplicably oozing some sort of greenish-yellow....stuff? It wasn't quite liquid but not quite solid- he didn't want to know what Remus had chosen to decorate with though, he knew better than that by now.

"Yesss J- you're not Janus- hello orange~"

He glared "you're just going to keep calling me that? You know my name Green."

"Awww you do care!" Remus let out a giggle that sent shivers down his spine "I would call you your name but every time I try to say-" a hand immediately went up to the creative side's mouth. It fell back to its place on Remus' hip after a few seconds "Double D said no spoilers, so what can I do ya for anyways!"

"You mean what can I do for you?"


The man dressed in orange made a face at that "charming" he muttered, "did you take my pendant?"

Remus' smirk fell "the one with your symbol on it?" His face only fell more seeing the man before him nod "Nope I haven't touched it- look I do a lot of shit but I wouldn't- I know what that thing means to you OJ"

Orange sighed seeing how serious Remus got "fine, and find something new to call me you're not calling me orange juice"

"Awwww but you're just so sweet! Like juice!"

"REMUS-" he yelled about to snap at the man but Remus had disappeared into thin air having teleported out.

He groaned, fine, if Remus didn't have it then it was probably Virgil. The side was anxious sure but one thing, maybe the only thing, that could overpower Virgil's caution was his absolute hatred of the darksides."

"ANXIETY!" He yelled, his voice shaking the walls of the mind palace banging his fist against the dark purple door and hearing several locks click before the door opened a bit.

"What could you possibly want."

"Did you take my-"

"I haven't taken shit. If you want to find someone who took something maybe you should take a look at yourself." The darker side grumbled gesturing behind Orange before shutting the door in his face.

"Taken something? what could I possibly have.." he trailed off as he turned around seeing a door it's once dark blue paint faded to a cold lifeless grey and the shimmering stars that once were speckled all over it were completely gone. "Oh...that.."

He shook his head, it didn't matter, not really. Sure this complicated sBesidesome things but he wasn't at fault, people change, and it wasn't his fault that Logic did too. Besides he had more important things to worry about, he needed his pendant back. He didn't particularly care what happened in the process of getting it.

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