I Hope You Catch Me: Captain Swan FANFIC

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I Hope You Catch Me

Chapter 1


A/N: So first off this is obviously a Captain Swan 3 Fanfic. Here's the catch, all the chapters have a specific song for them. The chapters depend on the songs. I'll write the name of the song, and at least two lines from the song. You might be able to guess the songs with the lyrics :) I will also explain what each song has in common with the chapter. I have all the songs planned out already, and I really hope you enjoy this fic! This fanfic is rated M ONLY because of some parts of it, but it is suitable for anyone who shouldn't read M rated stuff, so don't worry. I will also alternate between Emma, and Killian's POV, just letting you know. Alright, so this first chapter, and song is kind of the intro, Hook is trying to persuade Emma. And this Chapter/Song is about Emma trying to figure out her feelings for him. Please do enjoy! ________________________________

Take Me Home

"Are You The Answer? I Shouldn't Wonder... I Can Feel You Breathing, Can Feel Your Heart Beat Faster... Take Me Home Tonight, I Don't Wanna Let You Go Till You See The Light" ______________________________________ "Hook!" Emma called. "How in the hell did you get here?" "Well, that's for me to know, and for you to find out." He replied cooly with that signature, flirtatious smirk of his. Once Emma, and Mary-Margaret had made it through the portal, she noticed Hook. She hadn't had time to ask him anything due to, well, everyone in Storybrooke she had to say 'hi' to. But now that she was just an ordinary person again, she finally set out to find him. Meeting him at Granny's, at like six in the morning, on her way to work, quite the oddity. She guessed he had probably been spending the nights there in the hotel. "And what exactly does that mean?" She questioned. Emma knew that if she wanted to get anything out of him, she would have to act the same way he acted. "It means what it means, love." He replied, again with that stupid grin of his. "Don't you even dare call me love, Hook." Emma snarled back at him. To be honest, she despised all those nick names that he came up with for her. Love, darlin', milady, princess, lass, PET... Was that just the way he acted? Or was it something else? "Why? S'it bother you, PRINCESS?" Hook stepped towards her, the corners of his lips upturned into that grin of his. "As a matter of fact it does, Hook." Emma retorted. God he was so annoying, and she was going to be late for work because of him. That bastard. He had the courage to speak up again, "Oh, love. Don't worry, it's not like it's the end of-" "God Hook! I've just barely even talked to you for a second, and I ALREADY have a headache." Emma scowled back at him, heading out the door without her coffee. Hook had to ALWAYS ruin everything. "Come on girl, I know quite the number of ways to get rid of headaches." Hook remarked snidely, snatching her wrist with his only hand. "And, why are you up so early?" She cocked her eyebrows, giving him HER signature death glare. "No Hook, the question is, why are YOU up this early?" "Well, you're a feisty one aren't ya?" He quipped, AGAIN with that stupid, stupid, STUPID smirk of his. "I have work to do, bye." Emma fiercely pulled her hand free of his grip, and walked out the door. "My love, I need help. You ARE the sheriff aren't you? And it's your job to help any citizen of Storybrooke, right? So then show me around, get me accustomed to this very interesting world of yours." Emma stopped right in her tracks. What he was saying WAS in fact the reality, but she couldn't help that annoying, cocky, arrogant pirate. "I don't haven the time for your stupid antics, Hook. You can figure this place out. It's small enough. Just don't-" Then it hit Emma. Hook needed to get revenge on Gold - Rumplestiltsken - If Gold saw Hook just wandering around the place like he owned it, Gold would kill Hook. Or the opposite, and Emma couldn't allow that in her town. She wouldn't let anyone get hurt, it was her duty to protect everyone, even if they weren't the nicest, or humblest person on earth. "Okay, I'll- I'll show you around, and help you figure things out." Emma said exasperated, and frustrated that it had to come down to this. "Well then love." Hook had the grin plastered on his face. "Let's, uh, head to my house." She muttered. "Whatever you say, love." He replied with the most arrogant voice you could EVER imagine. "Give me your hook, Hook." Emma said. If Hook just trotted into her house with his hook, that would be terrible. She wouldn't allow him to have such a weapon there, endangering Henry, David, and Mary-Margaret. Hook feigned hurt. "Bloody hell Emma, does this look like a weapon to you? You know what IS a weapon though?" He looked down at the ground, waggling his eyebrows. Wait not the ground, somewhere else, near his waist... "Hook, no, you are sick. And yes it's a weapon," Hook grinned at that. "No, that's not what I meant..." Emma sighed. It was truthfully pointless to try, and talk to him. Without his mind wandering off to dirty places. Emma watched Hook detach his hook. It was actually interesting. He turned it, and then something clicked, and then it was off. He gave it to her without hesitation, aside from the dirty smirk that was on his lips, he cooperated. Walking, Emma carefully placed the hook in her bag. Hook was following her, making smartass comments, that she didn't pay any attention to whatsoever. That is until he said something less smartassy. "The name's Killian, Killian Jones. Don't call me Hook. You confuse yourself, love." He smirked when he saw that she had actually paid attention. "Ugh," Emma sighed, muttering something along the lines of "fucking arrogant bastard". Unthankfully not quiet enough that Hook didn't pick up on what she had uttered. "I'm not that much of a bastard, you know, lass." he back-talked. Always with that inappropriate grin of his. Emma had never ever seen him without that sick grin when he talked.________________________________________KILLIAN'S POV

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