033. memories

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tiana and trent had matching grins on their faces as they excited his parents' house. tiana had her arm wrapped around trent's as they made their way up to his car.

"and do you remember the summer when this girl from your school had a crush on you and chased you around so hard one time she face planted into the mud?!"

trent smirked as he watched his girlfriend burst out laughing, "oh my god, the look on her face was priceless!" tiana chuckled as she thought back to that one summer day.

        when they got to trent's car he opened the boot. he grabbed a football and tucked it underneath his arm, "shall we see if you've still got it?" he said, pointing his head to the park across the road.

        tiana smiled and nodded her head, "get ready to lose, love." the footballer rolled his eyes, "i'm not letting you win again."

        "you don't have to let me win, i'll do it all on my own." she confidently walked in front of him, making her way to the familiar little football pitch.

thirteen year old trent groaned as tiana shot the ball between his legs and into the small goal behind him, "haha, suck that alexander-arnold!"

the two sat down with their back against the fence that stood around the little field. "anddd i won, again. i'm starting to think i'm just so much better than you." tiana teasingly said as she nudged trent with her elbow.

"no you aren't." he scoffed and looked away, mainly to hide the grin on his face. his scouse accent was strong, making tiana silently mock her friend's words.

as trent looked back their eyes met. they were quiet for a little before both bursting out into laughter.

"you watch it, ana, i'll make it into liverpools first team and score my first goal just for you." he said after they'd calmed down, "i promise."

the half dutch girl smirked at him and raised her hand, "pinky swear?" she asked as she stuck her pinky finger up, "pinky swear." trent replied as he wrapped his own finger around hers.

tiana did a little celebration dance after she shot the ball past her boyfriends legs, and into his goal. "love, i'm winning with 9-2, why are you dancing?" he asked, softly chuckling.

"because i still scored." she walked up to him and gave him a quick kiss, "and, i still beat you when we were kids." she whispered against his lips.

trent put his arms around her and pressed another kiss onto her lips, "come on, i want to show you something." he muttered before wrapping his hand around hers.

he pulled her along to a set of swings and tiana smiled when she saw them. trent sat both of them down on one, still holding her hand.

"you know . . . i had my first kiss on these swings." he looked over at his girlfriend, "really?" she said with a knowing look on her face, "with who?"

trent frowned as he heard his mother call him back to their house for the second time in five minutes, "i suppose i ought to go."

he looked over to his side to see tiana looking up at the sky, "what are you doing?" he whispered.

"looking at the stars." she whispered back. there was a disappointed look on her face, "i don't want to leave, trent."

summer break was almost over and tiana would be flying back home the next day, meaning that this would be the last time the two friends would see each other in a year.

"i don't want you to leave either." trent pushed himself off of the swing and stood in front of tiana. he took her hands into his own and looked her in the eyes.

the fifteen year old girl glanced up at him with soft eyes. without a single thought trent leaned down, pressing a kiss onto her lips.

tiana was quite shocked by the action, but still kissed him back. when the two pulled apart they had matching rosy cheeks and grins on their faces.

and as trent went in for another kiss he heard his mother yell his name for the third time, scaring him so much that he accidentally bit tiana's lip.

"oh my god! i'm so sorry, my mum's going to murder me if i don't go right now. he spoke as he slowly backed away from the swings, "call me! or text me, it doesn't really matter!"

tiana smiled as she waved at the scouser, "goodnight, trent." he waved back at her, "BYE, ANA!" he screamed as he got to the other side of the park. "I'LL MISS YOU."

"was i really your first kiss?" tiana asked as she looked up at the sky. the couple had moved away from the swings, and were now laying down on the grass.

trent hummed as he moved his thumb over the palm of tiana's hand. "was i not yours, then?" he asked, faking being shot in the heart.

tiana chuckled at him, "no, i went to some kind of prom with a guy from my school and we kissed. you were a better kisser, though." she whispered the last part, making trent smirk.

"what do you mean 'were'? i'm still an amazing kisser." he rolled onto his side and pressed his lips onto tiana's. she smiled when they broke apart, "although . . . you did kind of bite my lip."

trent laughed at the memory and shook his head, "right, i totally forgot about that." tiana teasingly rolled her eyes, "of course you did, that was really embarrassing."

"shut up." the footballer muttered as he hid his head in his hands. "i'm just kidding." tiana said as she sat up next to him.

she pulled his hands away from his face and looked him in his eyes, "i love you." she whispered. trent grinned and swung one arm around her shoulder, "i love you."

tiana rested her head on his shoulder and looked out over the park, "i feel so at home here." trent looked at his girlfriend with adoration sparkling in his eyes, "yeah?"

"yeah, but i'll always feel at home when i'm with you, so . . ." she shrugged and pressed a kiss onto his temple. he blinked a few times, not knowing what to say.

"well . . . i'm glad." trent leaned his head onto hers and closed his eyes. "i'm so happy your mum won't call you back now." tiana said, making trent laugh, "me too . . . me too."


. . . NOTES 📝
i literally has such a hard time
figuring out how to end this story
but i did it!! also liverpool won yesterday??
and trent with two assists??? i feel like
i'm dreaming

FOR THE FIRST TIME, TRENT ALEXANDER-ARNOLDWhere stories live. Discover now