Chapter One

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I love my country, Andorra

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I love my country, Andorra. It is a beautiful country nestled between Spain and France. We are only a small country, we can fit into the city of London three times. Not many people have heard of us. But I love it. I love the people. I love the nature. I love everything about my country. I am a proud Andorran.

But I hate it. My dad is King which means I am next in line as I am the oldest of me and my sister. And don't mistake my hate for ungratefulness because I am not. I realise my privilege. I can get anything I want at the drop of a hat. I live in a beautiful home in a beautiful country. I have food on my plate. Yes I am as privileged as they come and I will be eternally grateful for that. But what I lack is freedom and privacy and that is what I wish for. To be able to walk out of my house and experience the world. Meet new people and for them to not treat me any different just because of my title because I am no better than them. At the end of the day we are all human. I hate being perceived as this untouchable thing. I am not. I'm human just like everyone else. I have made mistakes. I have failed. Yet I can't do that, I don't want to let the people of my country down. So I will put on a smile and pretend everything is okay.

My thoughts are interrupted by a small knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in," I say.

Amy enters my room and curtsies to greet me. Amy is the head of housekeeping here at the castle, she has been since before I was even born. She is like a mother to me, always has been. My mum passed away when giving birth to Zana, my sister. I miss my mum everyday. She was everything to me, she had the purest soul anyone could ever have. Amy also happens to have a daughter my age, Sabrina. She is my best friend. My dad doesn't approve of our friendship though. He believes that she's unworthy and less than us. Which is bullshit. Sabrina is the kindest person I know and she treats me as an equal which I appreciate more than she would ever know.

"Sorry to interrupt your majesty but the King is requesting your presence."

I laugh at her formality, I know it is what is expected of her but I hate that she has to do that.

"I will go down now and I have told you that you don't need to do all that formal stuff with me," I say to her as I place a kiss on her cheek and head out of my bedroom. I hear her let out a small laugh as I walk out.

I descend down the stairs and through the hallway until I reach my fathers office. My father stands at the window overlooking the country below. He is wearing a full suit, waistcoat and all. He turns around to face me as he feels my presence behind him.

"Ah! Delilah just the person I wanted to see!" His voice bellows loudly echoing off the walls, "I just wanted to inform you that we have a TV appearance later this afternoon. It's an important one so be on your best behaviour." He threatens.

I refrain from scowling. I hate these stupid TV appearances. It is all so fake. Standing in front of the cameras addressing the nation, pretending we are the perfect family, the perfect royal family.

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