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(Warning: slight smut)

"That's the last time, Bender. That's the last time you ever make me look bad in front of those kids. Do you hear me? I make 31,000 dollars a year, and I've got a home. And I'm not about to throw it away on some punk like you." Vernon had forced Oliver into one of the storage closets and the boy was sitting on the ground with his gaze on the floor.
"But someday man, someday when you're out of here, and you've forgotten all about this place, and they've all forgotten about you, your brother has forgotten about you, and your wrapped up in your own pathetic life.. I'm gonna be there. That's right. And I'm gonna kick the living shit out of you, man. I'm gonna knock your dick in the dirt." Vernon continued his small lecture.
"You threatening me?" Oliver's face turned emotionless again, much like when he had threatened Andrew after the boy used a slut on him.
"What are you going to do about it?" This was the first time someone wasn't creeped out by Oliver in this state.
"You think anybody's going to believe you?" You think anybody is gonna take your word over mine? I'm a man of respect around here. They love me around here. I'm a swell guy. You're a lying sack of shit, and everybody knows it. You're a real though guy." Vernon took off his blazer.
"Hey, hey. Come on. Get on your feet, pal! Let's find out how though you are. I wanna know, right now, how though your are. Come on. I'll give you the first punch. Let's go. Come on. Rifht here. Come on. Just take the first shot. Please, I'm begging you. Take a shot right here." The man tried to provoke the boy while pointing at his face.
Oliver wasn't able to move or blink and it felt as if he couldn't breathe. This reminded him all too much of his dad and the stuff that went on at home. His hands were shaking and he felt an anxiety attack making its way up. He could only flinch harshly and let out a broken sob when Vernon made a feint move to hit him.
"That's what I thought." Vernon backed up.
"You're a gutless turd." He opened the door, walked out and locked it behind him.
And then it all came tumbling down. Oliver started crying and shaking harshly. This was one of the first times his brother wasn't there to help him during one of his anxiety attacks so all he could do was wait it out. And that's what he did, after a few minutes he was able to regain he breath and slowly stand up. He wiped his eyes and cheeks from any tears left but he knew his eyes would be red anyways. He took a few more deep breaths before taking off his hoodie, leaving him in a flannel that has the arms cut off with a band t-shirt underneath it. Then he looked around the room he decided to climb the furniture around the room to reach a tile in the corner of the ceiling. When he did, he climbed through and started crawling, hoping for the best.
'A naked blonde walks into a bar with a poodle under one arm, and a two-foot salami under the other. She lays the poodle on the table. Bartender says, "I suppose you won't be neading a drink.' " He started talking to himself and chuckled.
"Naked lady says.. Oh shit!" He shouted when the ceiling gave away from underneath him and he fell down harshly. 
"Jesus Christ, almighty!" He heard Vernon shout and he realized he had landed in the library so he walked out from behind the bookshelves and descended the small set of stairs.
And then he was greeted with the others.
"Forgot my pencil." He joked.
He noticed Brian was now seated in the front row, meaning he was at one of the tables that was covered in the front, making others unable to see the person's feet, and he got an idea. Since Vernon couldn't know he was here again he quickly made his way over and crawled underneath the table just in time before Vernon walked through the door.
"What in God's name is going on in here? What was that ruckus?" Vernon asked the teens.
"What ruckus?" Andrew asked.
"I was just in my office and I heard a ruckus." Vernon elaborated.
"Could you describe the ruckus, sir?" Brian raised his hand.
"Watch your tongue, young man. Watch it." Vernon pointed.
Oliver sat up a bit but hit his head in the process so the others had to cover up the bang that was heard by also banging and drumming a tune on their table.
"What is it? What is that? What.. What.. What was that noise?" Vernon was confused.
Oliver tuned out the rest of the conversation as he got distracted. He was looking right between Brian's legs because he had turned his head when he sat up. His cheeks flushed but he couldn't help himself so he slowly raised his arms before placing his hands on Brian's inner thighs, he heard the boy let out a small gasp at that but was pretty sure the other's didn't hear so he continued. He let his hands roam before one of them stopped at the zipper of Brian's pants. He stopped for a second but heard the others still talking to Vernon so he quickly unzipped the boy's pants. Brian immediatly reached one of his hands below the table and grabbed Oliver's hand that was still on the zipper. Oliver just moved Brian's hand and let it rest on the boy's leg. Then he silently reached back towards Brian's growing bulge. He carefully pulled the boy's boxers down so he could free his length and then carefully leaned closer. Upon feeling Oliver's touch Brian's eyes fluttered closed, he didn't move to stop the boy under the table. A second later he felt Oliver's tongue lick his tip and he had trouble keeping in any noise from escaping his mouth so he clenched his fists. Then he felt the heat of Oliver's mouth around him and when the boy started sucking lightly Brian couldn't help but let out s small groan. Brian's eyes snapped open upon realizing what he just did and saw Vernon already looking at him so he made up an excuse while Oliver kept going, amused by the boy's reaction.
"Sorry, sir. I have this terri-" He gulped.
"Terrible headache." He finished his sentence before getting distracted again when Vernon continued talking to Andrew and Claire. 
Oliver was bobbing his head and picking up the pace now and Brians was squeezing one of his hands. Brian placed his head in his arms to hide his face and the fact that he was panting slightly. He muffled a moan by biting his lips as he released after Vernon had already gone back to his office. Oliver heard the others laughing loudly (except for Brian, obviously) about something so he swallowed the white liquid down and planted a soft kiss on Brian's member before zipping up the boy's pants and he wiped his face before he quickly scrambled out from under the table.
"You sure you okay, Brian? Do you need some painkillers or something?" Oliver asked perfectly innocent, covering up the fact that he had just given the boy a blowjob and the others seemed to fall for the act, John looked at him a bit suspicious though so he just smirked at his brother.
"No, that's alright. I'll be fine." Brian went along with it, raising his head from his arms now that his cheeks were slightly less red.
"If you say so." Oliver walked backwards to his seat and winked at the boy.

-The psychopath- ⌊Brian Johnson⌉حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن