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Smoking joints

"Hey Bri, can we have our stuff back?" Oliver asked.
Brian immediatly obliged and handed it over to Oliver with a small blush, who in turn handed it over to his brother.
"Yo, wastoid. You're not gonna blaze up in here." Andrew protested.
The twins ingored him and walked to the back of the library, John unpacking and lighting one of the joints on the way. Oliver heard some noise behind him but didn't bother looking back until something brushed his hand. Brian was walking right next to him. He must've catched up to join them. Oliver also noticed Claire catching up, she didn't so much as bother sparing them a glance before joining John's side, trying to match his pace. When they sat down in a nice spot with comfortable looking chairs Brian pulled out Olivers glasses and put them on, causing Oliver to chuckle. Oliver passed the joint he had just lit for himself to Brian so the latter could also have a drag. One drag turned into two and two turned into four. Eventually Oliver took the joint back so he could enjoy it some on his own because Brian was already visibly affected by the drug. On the other chairs John and Claire were also busy lighting up a joint, probably for Claire, Oliver assumed. When the girl took a first inhale she coughed, much like Brian had, as she hadn't smoked anything before. John started laughing at it and Oliver and Brian soon joined in. When Brian and Oliver shared another look Brian started making funny faces, he also blew out smoke and tried to catch it in his mouth as it flew around the air.
"Chicks cannot hold their smoke, that's what it is." Brian said in a funny accent, the Bender twins laughed wholeheartedly.
"Do you know how popular I am?" Claire asked, also already getting affected by the drug.
"I am so popular. Evrybody loves me so much at this school." She ranted.
"Poor baby." Brian pouted.
"Five." He held his hand up, asking for a high-five as he was seated on the backrest of the sofa he was on.
Oliver reached up with a smile, high-fiving Brian with some extra power so the boy would fall over. And fall over he did, he fell backwards off the chair with a small tud. The group that remained seated started laughing and Oliver leaned over the sofa to look at Brian for a second.
"You okay there, buddy?" He asked.
"Buddy? Don't call me buddy, you just gave me a-" Brian slurred btu got cut off as Oliver placed his hand over the boy's mouth in an effort to shut him up before he could say anything he would regret.
"You don't want everyone to know about that, do you?" Oliver whispered, Brian only shrugged.
Oliver offered a hand to help Brian up, which the boy took and he hauled them upwards. Oliver sat down on the sofa normally and Brian clombe over, laying down with his head on Olivers lap. He studied the boy's face before reaching a hand up to let his fingers brush through Olivers hair.
"Soft." Brian mumbled.
After a few minuted they looked up to see Andrew walking through one of the office doors, smoking a joint. He hyped himself up and started running, pulling off his hoodie in doing so before starting all kinds of acrobatics around the second floor of the library. When he stood himself on a bench in front of the big clock he also pulled off his sweater and threw it over the rails so it fell to the ground. Oliver whistled with his fingers as Claire gave a small applause. Andrew then continued his run again, jumping over all kinds of things. Meanwhile Brian couldn't pull his eyes away from Oliver's face, it was just so pretty to him. He continued raking his fingers trough Oliver's hair as he got lost in the boy's eyes, completely mesmerized. Oliver felt a pair of eyes on him and looked down, meeting Brian's gaze with a small grin.
"Like what you see, Bri ?" He asked mockingly.
"Yes." Brian replied with no hesitation whatsoever, catching Oliver off guard.
Oliver's face flushed and for once he didn't have any cocky remarks or witty comebacks. BRian started laughing and his his face in Oliver's chest as he did so, Oliver obviously didn't have a clue what was going on so he just sat there dumbfounded.

Andrew had walked over a few minutes ago and was seated on one of the chairs just like the others. He and Brian started talking and at one point Brian and him both started laughing loudly, Brian hiding his face in Olivers chest once again as he continued laughing.
"What's so funny?" Oliver askedin curiosity.
"I asked about his middle name." Andrew chuckled.
"Well what is it?" Oliver quirked a brow.
"His middle name is Ralph. As in puke." The black clothed girl suddenly spoke up, walking over with her bag in her arms.
"Holy shit-" Oliver flinched startled, Brian and Andrew sat upright to look at the girl too.
"Your birthday is March 12, you're 5'9 ½. You weigh 130 pounds and your social security number is.. 049380913." She stated as she walked over and sat down next to Oliver.
"Wow. Are you a psychic?" Andrew asked impressed.
"No." The girl denied.
"Would you mind telling us how you know all this about him?" Oliver frowned.
She reached in her shirt and pulled something out, a wallet.
"I stole his wallet." The girl smirked.
"Give it to me." Brian stuck out his hand.
"No." The girl laughed.
"Give it to him, Allison. Yeah that's right, now I remember." Oliver ordered with a hint of danger in his tone.
Allison obliged upon hearing her name and threw the wallet over. Then she started rumaging in her bag again, pulling out a neon green wheel. It was one of Oliver's spare skate wheels. He snatched it out of her hands with a frown.
"This is great. You're a thief too, huh?" Brian scoffed, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"I'm not a thief." Allison shot back.
"Multitalented." Brian said as he looked in his wallet, not noticing that he was still on Olivers lap.
"What's there to steal? Two bucks and a beaver shot." Allison shrugged.
"A what?" Oliver and Andrew exclaimed surprised.
"He's got a nudie picture in there. I saw it. It's perverted." Allison looked Oliver in the eye as if she knew something he didn't.
"All right, let's see it." Andrew grinned.
"What? No! She's lying!" Brian exclaimed.

-The psychopath- ⌊Brian Johnson⌉Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя