Chapter 7 The woman who is drowning in water

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She stirred it quickly, but it still took some time for the third sugar cube to dissolve.Commentators on daytime information programs emotionally denounce the issue of illicit donations by politicians.Some members agreed while others interrupted to say that there was another point of view.If the topic was distasteful, the members' egotism was also distasteful. But I didn't have the energy to change the channel.I know there are no interesting programs at this time of the day, and above all, it's time to leave home.The alarm set on my cell phone should go off soon.That's exactly the time in time for the busTurn off the alarm without waiting for it to ring.Placed the cup with the unmelted sugar still in the bottom in the sink, turned off the remote control, and took the bag from the pole.I have to go to the abominable workplace again today.The temperature was rising towards noon, so I pushed the jacket in my hand into the bag without putting it on.Within two minutes of arriving at the stop, the bus came.The route bus was not good in equipment and price, but only the time was accurateOnly the driver glanced at me as I boarded as if the other passengers could not see me.It's good that be able to get a seat always at this time of the day.But the time of 1 hour and 20 minutes swayed by the bus makes me feel like a prisoner being escorted to prison.I wonder what everyone thinks about getting on the bus. I'm the only one using it for commuting, and everyone else seems to go out for leisure.Yesterday, when I asked to "wait a bit for payment", the landlord was sarcastic.Some invoices other than rent are still unpaid.Next week, the survivor's pension and children's allowance will be deposited, so It should be able to settle everything.How much would that leave on hand?This month may have to be cut down more than last month.From the high bus window, It can look down at the profile of the passenger car drivers.My friend Sandra, through a friend of hers, is offering to sell me a cheap used car.Commuting by bus is still inefficient.Maybe I should ask for it when to afford it to some extent.Hopefully, that car will be there until then.Labor income benefits will be refunded a few months away.Before that, I wonder if I should get it even if I borrow money...When he died, sold the car that had memories with him.At the time, I thought I'd be able to buy my next car in no time.But why? ran out of money in no time.I haven't held the steering wheel since then.Today is also the last bus.The world sinking in the darkness and my tired appearance are reflected in the bus from work, but feel more depressed than outward.If change the work shift to daylight hours, if don't have to look at my face in the bus window, will this melancholy go away?However, can't support my life unless extra hourly wage at night.Rather, move to a bigger city with more workMoved to this town because of his work and has been then in idleness.A small fisherman's town, I don't think it's where I should live. I would like to leave if I could.There are many drinkers and gamblers.For such a small town, there is a decent-sized poker room.There are no good jobs, and it's not a good place to raise a kid.Where is a decent man?Alfredo, in the next store booth, invited me to go to the movies, since got two tickets.It is an unveiled invitation.But I can't just fall for a third-rate man like that.I'm at this age and I can't fall for the wrong person.After all, It needs a man who earns money properly.If he was a regular employee, I would have complied.Diagonally in front of me sits an old woman who looks even more tired than me.I'm sure I'll get old like that soon.No matter how hard I work, my life will not improve. I feel crushed by work and housework.At least it would have been a fun place to work.Always a grumpy manager with an angry face.He's been angry for years and it's stuck to his face.You Hispanic, you're so arrogant!If you hate the job so much, you should just go back to your own countriesI have to serve chocolate fudge, caramel nut sauce, etc. with a false smile today.There seem to be miles of separation between this side of the counter and that side.Every time a public incident occurs, every time the contract is renewed, The working environment and working conditions are getting worse and worse.Before I left home, The news of illicit donations was being broadcast.Politicians collect votes by appealing that they are on the side of the weak.However, after being elected, after, we will receive donations from the wealthy and give preferential policies to them.Every money is turned between rich people, it doesn't come to usWorking poor, I don't want to admit that I apply to such words.But surely I'm on the side where money doesn't come around.To the side chased by the invoice...At the very least, I should get any qualifications while he was still alive.It was a mistake to get married as a student and started a family without any job experience.I should have opposed him getting a job at sea.He spent a lot of time away from home, and his salary wasn't that great.At last, he died in an accident...Why did I marry such a man?He approached me because at first, I thought he was nice.But after we got married, I realized.Our lifestyles and child-rearing policies differed in many ways.I knew I should have married someone who worked on the land, not at sea.With a man who would not die without permission.Come to think of it, one day he said to our son, "I don't mind being a rprobate."Absolutely no such! He let our son have too much free and our son grew up to be a mess.My son didn't even make it into the higher education class, and he wants the same 'marine researcher' for his future job.He is getting further and further away from my control lately.He has started to do his own thing.Last time, he cheated on the change of bicycle repair.In the first place, I can't stand that he got a big accident like breaking the bicycle.I always tell him to be careful, but how careless he is.What would happen to my life if he had a disability?And the other day, he said that he would like to use a gas stove himself.Whatever brought that on, was there any cooking class at his school?It's a major incident if there's a fire while I'm awayIf my houses burn down, I will finally have no place to live.Besides, if he learned to cook, my value would go down.He will be fine without me. I must not allow that to happen!Sometimes he leaves a meal.My boy won't to know, cooking is a burden for meHe is They are ungrateful.His room is a mess, and the violin I bought for him is dusty on the wardrobe.It's an old one I found at a garage sale, but it still cost $ 80.First he touched it a little, and then didn't even look at it...I really wanted him son to learn piano.But the piano is too big to put in my house.That said, cheap Casio keyboards is bad.If let him play electronic sounds, he might start playing rock music or something like that.I must give him dignified classical music.Ms. Norman in the neighborhood teaches the piano at home.The monthly fee is not as high as in a normal piano class, so I wonder if it will be in time for him to learn from now on.They say piano requires a gifted education and that have to start at an early age to become a performer.However, there is Russian who started playing the piano at the age of 25 and became a world-class musician.I'm sure he can do it because he has a good intuition.I can't make him commute to town, but at Mr. Norman's he can learn to play the piano."The Mother Who Raised An Artist"It is the highest of all titles given to mothers who have raised their children.With that title, my life will be rewarded.I can recover all the losses I have had in my life.And yet, he just plays around and doesn't listen to me.I have not been held in the arms of a man for years, and my appearance is beginning to fade.I wonder when it was the last time I set my hair.These days, I don't have that much money or time.I am stuck with my child. he is an hobble in my life.My cousin Ariana, who lives in Denver, has her two kids play figure and's ridiculus.It doesn't matter how popular winter sports are in that area, it doesn't make sense to let them do such things.Neither figures nor hockey can be players.Even if could be, their career would be short and they wouldn't have a job after they retire.They are just going to live on a shoestring as instructors somewhere.In that respect, musicians can continue forever.Unlike professional athletes, it does not require physical strength.But honestly, I envy you.The cost of lessons and tools must be quite expensive.I wonder if her husband, who works for a trading company, has such a high salary.Oh, I hate that I don't have money. If I had enough money, I could have him learn as much as I could.If I could get him to learn a lot of music lessons and sports, he could be a superman.All I could do was give him a violin from a garage sale and some instructional books.I can't believe he didn't even turn a page of that book.I wonder if there is any way I can force him to play the violin again.If he became a soloist, how happy I would be if he got to play on a big stage.That's right, he's on stage and I'm in the audience, but It's in the front row, the concerned section. I'm sure someone will call out to me.You are the mother of today's guest of honor, aren't you?" someone will say.No, I'm sure the guide staff will escort me when I arrive at the venue.And then, the staff introduce me to everyone, "The mother of today's soloist is here."Everyone will greet me respectfully.Oh, what would it be like if that happened?Just thinking about it makes me mesmerized."Maybe you had the same talent. you just didn't have the opportunity.""You sacrificed your own life to create an environment for your children. It's admirable."I'm sure they must say those.Well, his becoming a musician means that I will be a musician.If that happens, everyone will look at me and say you have a good life.And yet, he was omitted from the honor class, and he just plays around every day.That is unforgivable.If I hadn't been married or raised the child, I would have had a different life.My life was sacrificed because of him.After all, I wonder if it's impossible that him to become a violinist from now on.No, if I tried to get him to play the violin again, he might miraculously prove to be apt at it."Is it okay to do that? you have to think about his emotion"Something in her heart muttered that.Of course, it's okay, because I'm his mother.Because I gave birth and I raised her with a big effort.Yes, I'm the only one in the world who has <emotion>...If I take away his favorite things, his playtime, and his fountain pen, one by one, he might turn his attention to music.Even if he can't be a musician, he should at least get into a college preparatory course and get a job that has a good-paying with a great title.He didn't go to school for a while when his father died.I don't think he remembers it anymore.I forced him to go for public image.Yeah, I can force it like that time...When the bus announcement called the name of the stop where I get off.I woke up from my rambling thoughts.In 10 minutes, I'll be the one pushing the time card.I'll be the one who is Put on the shackles for 8 hours."I have to survive today..."I told myself that and ready to get off the bus.Oh... , I had to charge that his school lunch money to a prepaid card.I have to keep that amount of money separately.Until last year, the school was paying the full amount because we are both a single-mother and a low-income family.However, the system has changed from this year. I want them to somehow return to the full amount of subsidy as before.This country is supposed to be the most developed country in the world, and I should live there, so why am I having such a hard time?The money is disappearing somewhere.I don't want to feel poor any more.I'm having such a hard time, but I have to get some money back.I have to use that his life to regain my life.As I got off the bus ramp, I told myself that. When the bus announcement called the name of the stop where I get off.I woke up from my rambling thoughts.In 10 minutes, I'll be the one pushing the time card.I'll be the one who is Put in the shackles for 8 hours."I have to survive today..."I told myself that and was ready to get off the bus.Oh..., I had to put his school lunch money to a prepaid card.I have to keep that amount of money separately.Until last year, the school was paying the full amount because we are both single mothers and a low-income family.However, the system has changed from this year. I want them to somehow return to the full amount of subsidy as before.This country is supposed to be the most developed country in the world, and I should live there, so why am I having such a hard time?The money is disappearing somewhere.I don't want to feel poor anymore.I'm having such a hard time, but I have to get some money back.I have to use his life to regain my life.As I got off the bus ramp, I told myself that.If the owner put too much luggage on the back of the donkey and my leg breaks, will the owner care for the donkey or blame it?Will children who do not meet their parents' expectations be treated well?Or will you be accused of being a worthless child?If owner put too much luggage on the back of the donkey and my leg breaks, will the owner care for the donkey or blame it?Will children who do not meet their parents' expectations be treated well?Or will you be accused of being a worthless child?

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