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'Honey we are getting there , we will be quick . I am here with you we are reaching the hospital', He said with a shaky voice as he drove the car towards the hospital while his wife was screaming with pain in the back seat. He was extremely tensed at the same time exited for his unborn daughter . His wife was pregnant and was having her delivery pain. He tried his level best to comfort her. 'Sev I am scared it hurts',she said between her painful sobs.'Samara dear we have reached-', before he could finish his sentence a large truck hit their car . The car tossed and turned . The car doors against the tar road rattled making perfect rhythm with the thunder that tore the sky.Severus tried to get out but he couldn't as his head was bleeding . Everything was blur, he tried to focus on his surroundings and there he saw the most terrific scene he never wanted to see, his pregnant wife was staring at him but her eyes were lifeless her skin was pale white . Suddenly he was pulled out by a few people out of the car . he begged them to save his wife but their smiles showed no mercy . They burnt the car with his wife in it in front of his eyes.The solitary town could only hear Severus screaming for help.

'NOOOOOOO', Severus woke up in his bed with sweat glistening all over his forehead and he was gasping for air while panting heavily. Those events of the past always haunted him in the form of nightmares.He thought to push it away and carry on with the day.

'Come on Severus pull yourself , you have got a funeral to attend. What a beautiful event to start a day', he said to himself while he got ready for the day .The funeral was of an old member of the order who died . Poor man he was , tortured and killed by deatheaters.

He wore a black shirt with black trousers .He also wore a knee length coat that hid his perfectly built body. He didn't wear his usual batman outfit as it was only for school. he put on his boots and apparated to the place of funeral.

There he met the members of the order who he greeted curtly . The funeral came to an end and the people started to disperse themselves while Severus walked to the balcony . There he saw the infamous headmaster of hogwarts , Albus Dumbledore.

He turned to look at Severus with the usual twinkle in his eys as he said ' ahh Severus there you are . I thought to see you here. How are you doing my boy?, he asked in his usual tone.

Severus who stood there with his hands in the pocket scoffed and let out a sigh. He then asked,' What is that you want from me now Albus?,in a boring tone.

Albus gave a deep chuckle and turned to Severus with serious eyes as he said ,'I have got you a new mission to work on'.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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