"Is this why everyone is so protective of her?" Yelena understood, the adults were protective of everyone here.

"Yeah...we want her to be okay, because it wasn't like she was tortured or anything. But she was in a way, because it wasn't HYDRA or the Red Room, it was her home. It was people who were supposed to love her and yet they treated her like she was less than human. She barely remembers what it's like to have people care and it's so sad..."

"Well she's here now," Yelena whispered, she now felt guilty for how she talked to the thirteen year old earlier in the day was she too harsh?

"I know..." Kate replied, before yawning "Is that what was keeping you up."

She nodded, "Yes....you should get some sleep Kate." she asked quietly.

"But you're not sleeping." the younger girl countered.

"I'll fall asleep when you do..I always sleep better with you Kate Bishop..."

Kate had a faint smile playing on her lips, "I do too." she whispered.

"Come on, move up here," Yelena responded, patting the place next to her.

Kate grinned a little before sitting up from her position, she pulled the hair tie off from around Yelena's wrist, her hand briefly holding the blonde's before letting go to tie her hair back up in its messy bun. Yelena opened her arm out a little bit, and Kate quickly laid down next to her, curling up to where her head was resting on Yelena's shoulder. Yelena wrapped her arm around Kate and started playing with a strand of hair that had been left out of the bun on top of the brunette's head.

"Good night Kate Bishop." she whispered.

"Night Lena, see you in the morning." the younger teen replied, stifling a yawn.

Kate soon fell asleep, her arm was snaked around Yelena's waist and her right leg was thrown over Yelena's body. Kate was hugging her like a body pillow, but Yelena didn't mind, it was actually making her more tired to where she would get sleep. Yelena laid there, staring up at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to come overtake her. It made sense now, everyone was protective of each other already, but this was a different type of protectiveness. Clint was protective over all the kids of the compound, because it was his fatherly instinct. He wanted to make sure they didn't go through what he did as a kid, but half of them already had, and more. He was protective of Natasha, because he still saw the twenty-six year old woman as a kid, even though she was only five years younger than he was. He felt like it was his job to protect the woman he saw as his little sister, especially after knowing her story of the red room and the KGB. Tony wanted to protect everyone, he saw it as his job, the urge to protect everyone around him had gotten worse after the attack on New York. He was especially protective of Rhodey, Happy, Pepper, Morgan, Peter and now Penny. Those were his people, the youngest three of the group, were his kids. Even though Peter and Penny weren't his biological children, it was obvious to everyone that he loved them just as much as Morgan. Natasha was protective in a motherly or sisterly way of all the kids, she wanted them to have the childhood she never had. Yelena knew the different types of protectiveness. Her sister wanted to make sure she was safe from the red room, so she and Clint had made sure that it was completely dismantled. Steve Rogers felt like it was his duty to save everyone, whether he knew them or not. They all wanted to protect Pietro and Wanda from more hurt, the two had watched their family die, then were tricked into joining HYDRA. There they were experimented on, Wanda had severe PTSD from it, Pietro had seemed to block almost everything out about the time, but you could tell that he still remembered some bits. It was why he was protective over all the kids of the compound, he wanted to protect them from what he went through. Wanda had brought the idea onto herself that if she helped everyone, she'd wipe her leger clean from Ultron, but in everyone's eyes the twins were just manipulated, scared kids; they never had a leger in the first place. Wanda was sweet and gentle towards everyone, until they gave her a reason not to be. Kate wanted to make everyone happy, she'd had the most relatively least traumatic childhood out of all of them. She had her mother after her father died, but the woman was a perfectionist in every way, she always criticized Kate for every little thing. The once loving, jovial home had changed after her father died, so the brunette had wanted people to be happy. She'd always found the silver lining of things, always remained optimistic, she was funny without trying and that was one thing Yelena loved about her. Peter wanted to save everyone. As a kid he'd lost both of his parents as well as his step father, his uncle, and now his aunt; he mine as well had lost his sister because she was ripped from his grasp as a kid. He didn't want people to feel what he did, that's why he'd become Spider-man. Peter held a lot of guilt, he and Penny both believed in what they called the Parker curse; it was what they called their bad luck, even though Yelena and the others knew it was just a series of unfortunate, tragic events. Peter blamed himself the most for his uncle's death, the boy had been freshly bitten, didn't even know he had powers yet just knew that something was different with himself. Then his uncle got shot as they made their way home from getting dinner for their family of three. Peter had told the story to the others of how he had begged his uncle to stay with him, but the man had died and Peter blamed himself for everything that went wrong after that, no matter what. That's why Yelena and the others were protective of him, he was young and sweet, he was one of the purest people Yelena had ever met. They often saved him from himself and he did the same thing for them. Their weird family of sorts had the urge to protect those close to them, it didn't matter what happened, just as long as they had each other and kept each other safe and protected. Everyone wanted to make sure Penny understood that she was safe and loved, that she'd never worry or fear for anything for the rest of her life. Yelena knew that they would give it to the girl and that their weird, large family would always be there to help each other. Sleep soon overtook her while she was immersed in her thoughts, she cuddled closer to Kate, the girl who she was falling more and more in love with every day.

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