Start from the beginning

"Sorceress Supreme!" Cassandra's attention was caught by the voice of Master Yeung, the Master of the Hong Kong Sanctum. "Is there anything you require assistance with?"

"Yes, we need to create a diversion for her to get through. Can you do that?"

Master Lewis from the London Sanctum smirked. "Sorceress Supreme, whatever you ask of us, it shall be done."

"It will always be an honor for us to fight beside you."

A small smile found its way on her lips as she gratefully stared at the two masters in front of her. Actually, a short while after she left Kamar-Taj, Master Lewis and Master Yeung found her trying find passage to the Tanakuatua island, she thought that they would convince her to come back or criticize her decision just like how some of the elder Masters did, yet they only gave her a map and a robe to wear. They gave their best wishes on her journey and said that she would eventually find herself back to her home when ready. She would never forget their kindness that day.

"Thank you, Master Lewis, Master Yeung. Your efforts and sacrifices today will not be in vain."

Olivia tilted her head, her eyes skimming from Cassandra's head to toe. "You're the Sorceress Supreme now?"


"Well, your robes were starting to get old and unfashionable anyway."

The air was suddenly rent by the sound of a sudden crack of eroded soil coming from the nearby body of water, accelerating the witch's heartbeat as Stephen was almost knocked off of his stance because of the second burst. He was barely holding himself against the vortex of water that was dangerously building itself up higher. As if the others had sensed her rising panic, Olivia patted her shoulder. "Go, back him up. We got this from here."

The brunette nodded, quickly leaping into the air to reach Stephen's location and gauge the situation. Her cloak fluttered behind her as she lowered herself to the ground, assisting her fiancé in stopping the second and third ruptures of water from flooding the whole battlefield. Across from them, several of the Masters of the Mystic Arts along with Carol's ensemble of women heroes valiantly fought the group of extraterrestrial beasts, just enough to clear a path for Carol to pass through.

She watched as the blonde started flying towards the van with the Gauntlet, flying past enemies and going through enemy blockades that were in her way with ease. Catching a glimpse of Thanos making a move to block Carol, Cassandra murmured an enchantment and several strings made out of metal sprung from the ground and held the Titan's wrists. He was then also met with the full force of Pepper, Shuri, and Van Dyne's blast which greatly disoriented him. She had noticed that unlike before where her magic had a limit or else she would die of too much exhaustion from usage of magic, she now seemed to have boundless energy. It was as if there was a bottomless pit of arcane power inside her.

With a roar, he broke free from his captivity and flung his double sword at the van, destroying it and the quantum realm tunnel, knocking Carol Danvers to the ground.

The explosion was so strong that Cassandra and Stephen had to reinforce their spells to steady the waters. The Gauntlet clattered to the ground, alone and vulnerable. She watched as Thanos was about to snatch the object up, but Tony tackled him and was rendered unconscious after being struck. Carol Danvers rose to prevent Thanos from snapping his fingers when he put on the gauntlet, gamma radiation from the stones eating away at him.

Thanos pulled the Power Stone out of the Gauntlet and used it in his free hand to hit Carol Danvers away. Captain America and Thor showed up with his Stormbreaker and the Mjolnir in an effort to hold Thanos' arms still as the god of thunder prepared to deliver the killing blow, but Thanos outmuscled them and rendered them both unconscious.

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