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Hi guys sorry for the very long wait on this story but due to me not updating in so long I decided to end the book here don't worry the chapter will be long

Third person Pov

Bryson was stuck in his own mind hating the thought of his best friend and secret crush with anyone else. He tried and tried to fix the problem himself but every attempt of his failed. "I can't do this" Bryson says sadly.

Bryson had also been avoiding blue for the past few days trying to get his head right but nothing was working. Bryson jumped when he heard the door open and saw tay standing there. "Ready to take my advice?" Tay asks.

"I can't you don't understand" Bryson says. Tay had been suggesting Bryson just coming out and telling blue how he feels but he couldn't. It was obvious blue had feelings for someone else and he didn't want to lose him.

"Well I think you'll feel way better once you get it off your chest instead of sitting her crying about it" tay says and Bryson sighs. "I'll consider it" Bryson says and tay smiles. "Good cause he's outside" tay says and Bryson felt his heart drop.

"What!?!" Bryson yells/ask. Tay leaves the room and blue comes in a few minutes later. "What are you doing here?" Bryson asks and blue ignores his question completely. "Why you been avoiding me? Did I do something?" Blue asks.

"You didn't do anything" Bryson says looking down at his hands. "Then what's the problem?" Blue asks and Bryson frowns. "It's not worth mentioning honestly" Bryson says and blue scoffs. "Not worth mentioning?" Blue asks.

"You have been avoiding me so whatever it is must be bad" blue says and Bryson frowns. "You really wanna know what's wrong? I like you ok? I have for awhile but this ain't your typical crush" Bryson says and blue looked shocked.

"I have been losing my mind over this whole thing and that's why I always be so overprotective and crazy" Bryson confesses feeling like he could break down at any moment. Blue wordlessly left not sure how to feel in this moment.

Bryson then punched the wall angry knowing eh shouldn't have said anything. His feelings were spiraling and he knew the worse he got the more likely he was to become a yandere. He put his head in his hands gently.

"Why is this happening!?!" Bryson yells/ask. Then two weeks had passed before blue came back and confessed his feelings but of course Bryson needed to work on himself so he started taking therapy which helped him more than he thought it would.

"You mine" Bryson says and blue laughs. Bryson wasn't all overprotective and willing to kill anymore but blue was still very much so his.

The end

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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