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Bryson's Pov 

We walk down the street and here jordan comes trying to flirt with johnathan gain but no naw. "Hi blue i was wondering if ya wanted maybe chill this weekend" jordan asks biting her lip. "I'm sorry jordan but the only time he'll ever chill with ya is in yo dreams" i say grabbing johnathans hand and giving jordan a fake smile. "Mane what was that for?" johnathan asks. "Nothing she was just getting on my nerves" i say which is half the truth. "You seemed a little jealous there you like jordan?" he asks as i laugh. "Who would like jordan she's the worst" i say as jonathan raises an eyebrow. "Ight but you been acting weird lately" johnathan says before wrapping his arm around me something i won't ever get tired of. 

We pull up at montero's house and he opens the door with a grin. "Hey guys" he says before letting us in. I see a bunch of people at the party with s smile on my face until i saw tay over there with his hands all over blue i think he lost his mind he needs to go back to jail. I march over and can here them clearer. "So if ya ain't to busy i was wondering if you'd like to come over" tay asks biting his lip. Before blue could answer i grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side. 

"What's yo problem?" tay asks. "Stay away from blue or else" i say as tay looks confused. "I don't like you know i'm in a relationship" tay says as i bite my lip in anger. "Then why were yo hands all up on him?" i ask angrily. "I hugged him thats it" tay says. We both stay silent for a little bit before tay groans. "Yo obsession with him is not healthy" tay says before walking off. 

I don't have an obsession!

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