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Johnathan's Pov 

"What's up bry?" i ask as he looks up at me. "Nothing much blue" bryson says. I look at him and can't help but notice how pretty he is i mean who doesn't agree? "Blue if one of yo friends had a crush on you what would you do? bryson asks. I thought about it for a minute before turning back to him. "Well i wouldn't say anything so you don't mess up the friendship but if you like this person a lot go for it" i say as bryson nods. "Thanks" bryson says as i smile. There was a knock on the door and i got up to get it. 

Bryson's Pov 

I got up and saw some girl at the door and frowned. "So i was wondering if you'd maybe want to go out?" i hear her ask and feel anger and start seeing red. "I"ll have to think about it" blue says as she frowns. "Ok well please hurry" she says before leaving. I'm trying to be calm i promised myself i'd be a better person but i can't help it. I was so deep in thought that i didn't notice blue in front of me. 

"How long you been sitting there?" blue asks as i panic on the inside. "I'm not sitting i'm standing" i say with a grin as blue smiles but turns serious. "For real how long you been here?" blue asks as i sigh knowing he ain't finna let this go. "Don't worry i had just got here when you closed the door" i say as blue nods. "Actually i better be getting home" i say as blue nods and hugs me goodbye. "I love you man" blue. "Love you to" i say with a sad smile. I walk out the house feeling the cold air on my face. 

Who knew love was this hard? 

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