Chapter Fourteen

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Ominis was happily walking up the small cobblestone path that leads to the Sallow residence in Feldcroft. Sebastian and I were on either side of him, our arms interlocked as we made our way through the wobbly town. We couldn't help but all think just how perfect a day it was for a little adventure. The rays of the sun could be felt embracing our backs while the multi-coloured leaves crunched in a riveting rhythm beneath our feet. "Oh, I think Anne will be absolutely ecstatic to see us." Ominis said, a significant smile spread across his face. It wasn't long until we were standing in front of the quaint little cottage, waiting for someone to open the large wooden door. Although we were all expecting to be greeted by Anne's frail figure, we were instead met with the glaring eyes of Sebastian's uncle. Not bothering to greet us, as he seemed to be in a bad mood, he stepped aside and muttered something to Sebastian under his breath. "Don't make me regret allowing you to see her." I sent a questioning look to Sebastian but he simply avoided eye contact and dragged Ominis towards a chair.

"You're here!" A soft voice brimmed with excitement, soon followed by a little cough as she embraced the two of them tightly. "Have you boys been staying out of trouble?" A tear rolled down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away before ruffling Ominis' pale blonde hair. For a moment I couldn't help but feel that perhaps I should have come along on a different occasion. Their little reunion seemed like something straight out of an old muggle film I saw when I was merely a tiny little witch. My eyes scanned across the cottage, it was small but oh so lovely. There was absolutely no trace of Sebastian or even Anne except for a single small photograph of them around the age of thirteen that stood on a lonely bedside table. The twins' uncle sat grumpily reading a book in the corner, not sending even the slightest acknowledgement my way.
Quite a few minutes had passed since our arrival and it seemed like the three of them had finished catching up, quickly hiding their teary-eyed gazes before Anne made her way towards me. She was small and pale with dark circles under her eyes. I couldn't help but notice just how different she and Sebastian seemed, not only in appearance but also personality... although, I assumed she must have changed significantly because of the curse as I quickly remembered some of the stories Sebastian and Ominis had shared, nothing but trouble and terrific memories. I gave her a small smile. "You must be Lyra, it's wonderful to know there's at least someone to look after these two fools while I'm away." She let out a small laugh that was clearly meant to lighten the mood but instead did the exact opposite. The house itself seemed so homely and warm but the atmosphere was as cold as ice, nothing but sorrow hanging in the air. "It's truly great to finally be able to meet you, I've heard many great things."

Before our conversation could carry on much longer, Sebastian got up and pulled her a bit further away from me and their uncle. It seemed he was whispering something as he looked at her with an intense gaze. He quickly pulled something out from underneath his robes and showed it to her. It didn't take long for me to notice that it was in fact the relic we had found just the other day. His whispers became frantic, causing Ominis to turn towards him with a worried expression. "Sebastian, no. We've been over this already. Just stop, please. I'm begging you." Anne's voice cracked as she pushed past him towards the area her bed stood, pulling the curtain that divided the area closed as aggressively as she could. Sebastian's face showed betrayal in its purest form as our eyes met. We could sense that whatever came next wasn't going to go well when his uncle got up from his seat with a scowl. "What did I say, boy?" He yelled. Within seconds, Sebastian had grabbed both me and Ominis while pulling us towards the door. As we made it outside, I expected the large man to be right behind us but instead we were left standing all alone in the middle of the uneven little path. I'm quite positive the loud thud from the front door that was slammed shut behind us could be heard throughout the entire village.

Not a single word was shared between the three of us as we began our long journey back to Hogwarts, Sebastian's little pouch of Floo Powder still sitting untouched on the tiny kitchen table where he had forgotten it in the Sallow home. The Sallow home that no longer felt like home to him.

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